- 主条目:1.31 版本
- 游戏开局70年内,原住民领地不再处于全部荒废的状态了
- 修复了加速名胜建造速度所需人力数目的BUG
- 取消了某些类型的属国集中发展度的功能
- 贸易品变更会摧毁无效的工厂建筑
- 集中发展度功能对全州生效
- 从殖民领获取的人力与海员将依据最大值而非当前值进行计算
- 名胜效果平衡变动
- 联盟宪法现在可以使所有部落领地变为定居状态
- 前置条件不再满足时,已有的海军学说也不会被取消
- 拥有殖民地核心的省份现在受到自治领地最低自治度效果影响
- 成立掸邦不会再获得通用国家理念了
- 削弱了部落联盟改革进度增长速率
- 平衡了部落联盟相关数值
- 图腾崇拜不再可以堆积祖先的特质了
- 团队精神政策不再提供传教力量
- 属国的属国也能提供船只停泊权了
- 使用强迫执行叛军的要求宣战借口时,你所支持的叛军对应的国家将不能被释放
- 夺取首都与强迫改信条款同时选择时,改教的将是新的首都而非原有的首都
- 被设定为无法补员的叛军将不再能够获得补员
- 被挂靠部队溃败则挂靠部队同样溃败
- 因为大圣战(由神权国最后一级改革世界圣战获得)强迫转教的国家,将获得全球圣战国家修正
- 威胁开战现在会考虑保证独立国家的实力
- 宗主国会加入由朝贡国挑起的包围网战争
- 削弱了原住民国家夺取省份的战争分数花费
- 削弱了原住民国家造成的侵略扩张影响
- 修复了一个BUG,现在你可以对接壤的非部落国家使用“把殖民者赶下海”宣战借口了(注意,开化后的土著也会被判定为“殖民者”)
- 修复了一个BUG,现在不再可以呼叫未结盟的敌人的宿敌进入战争了
- 修复了一个BUG,现在解散革命所需的战争分数花费和获得的威望不会因不同国家提出而不同了
- 现在掳掠原住民国家的发展度再也不会没有损失了
- 禁用了某些政体利用人情扶持继承人的互动
- 修正了北美洲某些省份的气候
- 力量对比现在能够正常地影响人情获取了
- 利用人情获取金币互动,由提供方与接收方中,月收入最低的一方决定
- 增加了AI国家间,以消耗信任为基础的互动判定机制
- AI不再将贸易公司投资的重要性远远排在建筑的重要性之前了
- AI即使是发展度超出治理容量或者过度扩张过高,也不会释放属国了
- 修复了一个BUG,现在AI控制的商业共和国可以创建贸易城市了
- AI可以使用集中发展度功能了
- 进行了一定修正,现在在AI急需君主点数时,获取点数的倾向会上升
- 修复了AI不攻击实力弱小的叛军的BUG
- 修复了AI在破产后仍然参战的BUG
- 修复了AI仅仅选择吞并陆上邻接的省份而忽略隔海相邻省份的BUG
- 允许定居的部落在殖民界面获取部落领地
- 大不列颠旗帜中,十字的比例更加完美了
- 乌尔斯特的旗帜不再那么明艳花哨了
- 乌尔姆旗帜的画质略微提升了
- 传教提示栏涉及附庸时显示的是他们的传教力量修正而非宗主国的
- 增加了无法保存随机新世界的压缩存档的提示
- 改进了提示栏内容,因为债务而无法购买省份
- 改进了提示栏内容,“平均本地自治度”仅包括所拥有的核心省份
- 改进了提示栏内容,国家设计器中选择文化的部分
- 修复了战斗报告中厌战度提示的BUG
- 改进了平均叛乱度与平均起义进度的描述
- 改进了浏览附庸国任务树时的提示栏
- 现在可以在统计报表中查看名胜的效果了
- 距离成为了搬迁名胜花费的因数之一
- 为继承人宣称强度增加了提示栏
- 改进了废黜继承人提示栏中的描述
- 改进了接纳文化的文本描述,现在将提示影响接纳文化花费的修正
- 增加了如果输给异教徒将失去头衔的提示信息
- 增加了当没有贸易公司时,产出提升的信息
- 增加了宣称强度增长的提示信息
- 修复了已经要求战争赔款,并索取最后一个省份时令人困扰的文案
- 改进了联盟凝聚力的提示信息
- 对涉及搬迁奇观的目的地文案进行了修正
- 美利坚兵模包现在颜色与王朝颜色相同
- 调整了美利坚的国家颜色,使其与最初的美国梦兵模色调一致
- 阿瑜陀耶兵模适用于所有暹罗文化国家
- 文莱兵模适用于所有婆罗洲文化国家
- 占婆兵模适用于所有占婆文化国家
- 兰纳兵模适用于所有勐文化国家
- 琅勃拉邦兵模适用于所有老挝文化国家
- 满者伯夷兵模适用于所有马来文化组国家
- 马六甲兵模适用于所有马来亚文化国家
- 帕迦鲁荣兵模适用于所有亚齐或苏门答腊文化国家
- 布列塔尼、康沃尔、诺曼底、苏格兰、威尔士兵模包现在不仅与tag并且与对应文化绑定了
- 旧的拜占庭兵模包现在适用于希腊
- 旧的拜占庭兵模包现在不会在自定义国家时再被帝国兵模包覆盖了
- 旧的拜占庭兵模包现在与王朝颜色相同
- 所有主流文化为突厥的国家,现在使用奥斯曼兵模包
- 所有主流文化为荷兰、弗里斯兰和佛兰德文化的国家现在均使用尼德兰兵模包。
- 修复了马六甲1级兵模,使其能够正确出现
- 群岛、盖尔将适用伦斯特的1级爱尔兰佣兵兵模,不再使用西欧通用兵模。
- 马恩岛适用的兵模包从爱尔兰兵模包改为乌尔斯特兵模包;爱尔兰兵模包的设计与该国的具体情况相差较大。
- Added to war peace description if a Hegemon will lose their status as a result of the peace.
- Event windows now move to the front when you click on them.
- Fixed "Suggest Demands" option generating a peace offer that will be rejected when occupying an OPM with allies who are not defeated.
- Can now use either shift key for templates.
- Can now upgrade existing buildings through building construction screen in province interface if the province has no free building slots.
- State macrobuilder now specifies which state you're changing the edict for.
- Fixed GUI for Sikhism.
- Trade favors for trust notification now disabled by default.
- You can now double click monuments in the ledger to center on their location.
- Fixed so you can right click culture and core creation in the outliner to cancel it.
- Fixed nations that could decline a call to arms being added to estimated enemy strength when declaring war.
- Fixed so that monarch dynasty names are added to the list of future possible leader names.
- Fixed so that message about gaining/losing casus belli appears for every affected nation.
- Fixed so extend regency doesn't show up for non-monarchies and non-hordes.
- Fixed so you can browse subject upgrades without fulfilling requirements.
- Fixed so icons for federation advancements are highlighted when you have 100% cohesion.
- Improved errorlog printout when failing to read a modifier type.
- Added support to use "all" for estate_influence trigger.
- Added trigger num_of_free_explorers for checking unassigned explorers.
- Number of sprites in nation designer can be raised with new variable MAX_ARMY_SPRITE_LEVEL_IN_NATION_DESIGNER in defines.lua.
- Abolishing slavery now changes trade goods to a random goods instead of unknown.
- Decline of Hanseatic League event: Free Cities no longer only join Lübeckian Trade League if Lübeck has at least 1% trade power in their home trade node.
- The event "A Political Marriage" now grants you a consort from the married country and the localization makes now sense.
- Calvin becomes the Spiritual Leader of Geneva can trigger for any nation and convert the Papal States to Reformed.
- Fixed nobles_estate_events.7 triggering when you have a regency.
- Fixed issues with consort events triggering when you have a regency.
- Rename Ngati Awa.
- Renamed Te Tai Tokerau to Ngapuhi.
- Moved Waitaha from 1109 to 2738.
- Fixed Missing reforms of Polynesian Kingdom and Polynesian Tribe.
- Fixed the incident_shogunate_authority where it was using absolutism without checking if it was a revolutionary nation.
- Events or missions granting development now work for native countries.
- Female heirs are now generated without relying on female advisor chance.
- Fixed inheriting country during war disables all occupations from that country on enemy.
- Fixed no penalty for setting as co-belligerent a nation you have a royal marriage with.
- Fixed the Dhimmi agenda to build a temple may have been impossible to complete.
- Ming no longer loses the Celestial Empire mandate after going to war with any non-asian country.
- Monuments no longer get downgraded when a province changes owner peacefully.
- New ruler popup now correctly reports on ruler personality.
- Stopped leaders converted into monarchs having 0,0,0 skills.
- Subjects are now called into wars inherited by forcing personal union through peace offer.
- Totemism ancestors now have an effect.
- Trade power now transferred from colonies.
- Upgrading a territorial core no longer ignores former claims on the province.
- Upgrading colonies/changing colonial types no longer count as monthly expenditure.
- Fixed dialog on settling natives showing wrong development being added.
- Closed "support independence" loophole when forming a new nation with subjects, so their attitude initially stays the same as it was.
- Concentrate development cooldown is persisted in all states.
- Estate_vaisyas_disaster no longer incorrectly references estate_rajput.
- Fixed inconsistent units when Rajput nation is created.
- Fixed not being able to concentrate development in one state from more than one subject.
- Natives who reform leave federations, reforming federations removes all members.
- Special regiment modifiers applied to drilling.
- Now sprites are applied after loading the initial state of all countries. This fixed primary_culture working again in the sprite pack's triggers.
- Now when playing the same nation with a friend you don't have to play twice a tribute.
- Now second step in Spanish Empire A New World tutorial guides player to the correct province.
- Now the recruit tab in the province view is closed when the player closes the view and opens it again.
- Fixed an error blocking dismiss or detach of military leaders.
- Added a Leviathan DLC requirement to the potential of the fall_of_majapahit disaster.
- Fixed so majapahit.2 event can be triggered from the on_battle_won_unit onaction.
- Fixed a number of issues with the event personality_events.47.
- Added the correct age to Queen Shin Sabwu and added a minimum age to Dhammazedi so there is not a huge difference of ages between one option and the other.
- Fixed second step in Spanish Empire A New World tutorial guides player to the incorrect province.
- Fixed problems with Consort Events.
- Fixed Portuguese and Spanish missions being blocked for player.
- Consort should not fire west_african.27.
- Fixed issues found while testing Dynamic Historical Events.
- Fixed issues found while testing tribal casus bellis.
- Fixed issues with Event trade_policy_events.7.
- Fixed localization for mission gc_cas_spa_new_spain mentioning states instead of provinces.
- Fixed No Current Cult alert using Fetishist icon for Alcheringa religion.
- Fixed popup when diplo vassalizing a country mentioning we now receive half their tax incomes.
- Fixed When zero days are left to get the innovation boost for teching it gives no info on time remaining.
- Fixed province view fabricate claims stating duplicate text.
- Fixed text in continue game overflowing.
- Fixed issues in dynasty events.
- Fixed text for supremacy over the crown going out of bounds.
- Fixed text for colony name going out of bounds.
- Fixed text for supporting rebels going out of bounds.
- Added missing localization for opinion modifier when pillaging a state for someone.
- Fixed issue with event mnd_khmer_4 with Ayu pillaging itself.
- Fixed issue where Spanish Empire tutorial may ask to select a fleet in a province without any fleet.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong type of advisor would be generated.
- Fixed a desync related to converting a leader to monarch.
- Fixed issue where seizing land from an empty estate can cause revolt.
- Fixed the HRE cast vote button covering the top crest.
- Fixed bug where becoming a junior parner in a PU would cancel vassal annexation.
- Fixed so that annexing a country in a peace deal doesn't teleport the diplomat.
- Fixed issue where forming Italy may force nation into HRE.
- Fixed a potential crash for AI handling ancestors.
- Fixed so ledger doesn't show absolutism for revolutionary nations.
- Fixed a crash when hovering nonexistent great projects in the ledger.
- Fixed hotkeys not working in units macro builder.
- Fixed a potential CTD when hovering temple icon in technology view.
- Fixed an out of sync when removing the leader from their federation.
- Fixed oddities in province panel after changing government type away from native.
- Fixed score screen showing revolutionary flags for nations that previously went revolutionary.
- Escape menu game options now correctly preserved, displayed.
- Fixed a case where attaching to an army fails with no feedback.
- Fixed so tech screen shows correct cost for buildings.
- Fixed icons of active privileges not being centered properly.
- Fixed broken english with revolutionary country names for country names that start with The.
- Fixed tributary subject UI elements overlapping icons.
- Fixed an issue where you could extend regency without an heir.
- Fixed an issue where federation members would leave the federation at game start.
- Fixed an out of sync related to combat modifiers.
- Fixed an out of sync related to language configuration.
- Added Leviathan DLC country recommendations (NA tribes, Colonial nations, East Indies and Oceania countries).
- Fixed so credits screen expansion name is in bold.
- You now need to select a valid username before attempting to join a lobby.
- 破产将会取消所有奇观的建设。
- 作为帝国皇帝延长摄政会给予帝国威望惩罚。
- 基督教神权政体不再能使用贵族理念。
- 自定义共和制国家现在能受到国家理念给予的君主能力加成。
- 延长阶层摄政现在消耗10点正统性。
- 提高中国皇帝行政容量修正,大明开局就不会超行政容量了。
- 以下tag现在从王国降级到公国等级:
- 分离主义叛军的兵种将与其所希望成为的国家一致,而非其与现在所在的国家的类型一致。
- 在实施“永久地禁止复仇”后,神圣罗马帝国成员不再能作为共同成员参与对抗另一帝国成员的战争。
- 无法再对宗教同盟战争进行勒令停战。
- 如果神圣罗马帝国皇帝在针对你的包围网之中,不会再造成整个包围网都加入你发动的任何战争中。
- 羞辱战争借口不再允许附庸条款。
- 将金殿奇观的位置改为多亚巴(2075)。
- 将基辅洞窟大修道院奇观的年度牧首权威奖励从+0.5%、+0.5%、+1%改为+0.1%、+0.2%、+0.5%。
- 将富士山奇观要求从上座部佛教改为大乘佛教。
- 将雷吉斯坦广场的月度虔诚度修正从-1%、-2%、-3%改为+0.1%、+0.2%、+0.3%。
- 拥有殖民领国家会在你首都获得殖民主义加成。
- 平衡了人情外交行为。
- AI现在可以拒绝人情外交行动。
- AI倾向于使用更符合其人格特征的梦创神话崇拜物。
- Event pictures now use graphical culture fallbacks.
- Macro builder no longer blocks map modes.
- Fixed overlap problems for tooltipping monarch/heir/queen names.
- Ancestors too rubbish to give you any benefits don't show up in the list any more.
- OK/Cancel buttons now all have the shortcuts c and z.
- Less popups for favor actions by default.
- Fixed issues with the Wonderful achievement.
- Reworked the options of event "Anglo-Powhatan War". Now you have guaranteed two options: first one will give you a military boost while the second option will increase the opinion of rivals of Englan/GB additionally to the opinions of Castile/Spain and France.
- The event "A Helping Hand" (monument_events.2)'s first option will now ask for 6 months of income instead of 5 ducats. Additionally, the event can now trigger multiple times over the duration of a campaign instead only once.
- The event "Monument in 'Province Name'" (monument_events.1) grants now 1 stabilty as long you are under 1. Else it will give you 20 prestige. Additionally, the event triggers now for every highest tier monument instead of only once a game and gives you now -10% stability costs for 10 years.
- The event "The Completion of Borobudur" (monument_events.5) will now give you a proper subjugation casus belli instead of a restore union cb. Also, now the event allows you to move your capital to the temple.
- The event "The House of the Lord" (monument_events.3)'s first option now asks you for 3 months of income instead of 10 ducats. The second option will no longer affect three provinces in total but instead gives you a country modifier, which grants you +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and -1 National Unrest for 20 years.
- The AI will now priorize to choose the option "We should let Trailok decide." in the event "The Ascension of Trailok" when Sukhothai is controlled by a player.
- The events "The Kingdom of Champassak", "The Kingdom of Vientiane" and "The Kingdom of Luang Prabang" now only trigger if the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
- Fixed issues with native_americans.25 (The Potlatch) so that it is not as spammy.
- Fixed issue with volcano event.
- The Samoan ideas' first tradition will now grant -30% advisor cost instead of increasing the advisor pool by 1.
- Hawaiian Ideas have been rebalanced. The idea "Repurposing the Ali'i Nui" now gives 1 legitimacy instead of 2, the idea "Naha Prophecy" has no longer increased Hostile Core Creation Cost and the ambition of is now +20 Global Settler Increase instead of the ability to recruit explorers.
- Forming Aotearoa will no longer remove the Iwi Ideas. Instead, the player will be even asked if they want to change their ideas to the Iwi Ideas.
- Forming Viti will no longer remove Fiji Ideas. Instead, the player will be asked if they want to swap their ideas to the Fijian Ideas.
- The Fijian ideas have received balance changes. The idea "Waqa Drua" will now grant 100% prestige and 50% naval traditions from naval battles and the idea "Fijian Warlords" grants now +10% Morale of Armies and +0.5 Army Tradition.
- The Iwi idea "Kaikiakitanga" will now grant -5% development cost.
- Fixed so consort_events.2 doesn't trigger without a consort.
- Fixed Palembang mission 'Orang Laut' so now it can be completed if the country is a pirate republic.
- Fixed triggering and reward issues in Palembang missions 'Orang Laut', 'Arrival of Dragonships', 'Pirate Kings', and 'Restore Srivijaya', to make them a more comprehensive and coherent set of missions.
- Palembang mission 'Orang Laut' now can be completed if pirate republic.
- The mission "Cultivate a Mandala" now rewards you with 100% prosperity in your capital area additionally to the other reward.
- The mission "Populate Ayutthaya" now rewards you with 50 Government Reform Progress instead of 100 diplo points.
- The mission "Win a Royal Duel" now requires you to have 3% Army Professionalism (or 20 Army Tradition if Cradle of Civilization is not active) and to have at least as much Army Tradition as Khmer.
- Siam can no longer be formed through a decision for people with the Leviathan DLC. Instead, they will now have to work through the mission tree to form it as intended.
- Corrected Tu'i Tonga Empire mission's conditions to be better.
- Fixed issues with polynesian and oceanian missions.
- Fixed an issue with not being able to complete the "Honor the Ancestors" mission.
- Added a fallback to Samoan and Tongan missions to avoid getting stuck in case one of them do not exist.
- Fixed an issue with the Samoan Army mission.
- The province Manahoac (2552) is now part of the "Great Valley" area.
- Fixed starting rulers with no birth date in later game starts being too old.
- The province "Sawokli" is now a savanna instead of a desert.
- Changed color of Aotearoa to a red one as suggested.
- Exchanged the Trade Goods of two provinces in New Zealand.
- Fixed a CTD related to naval combats.
- Fixed a CTD related to naval misions.
- You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses.
- You can't operate other people's great projects any more unless they're your subjects.
- Savegames don't get corrupted due to cooldown storage.
- The province Lau's name is no longer scattered around and the city of Maui is no longer underwater.
- Abdication no longer prevented in Celestial Empire owing to "low Legitimacy".
- Added the missing icons for the government reforms "Uparaya Succession" and "Sakdina System".
- Becoming papal controller now lifts excommunication from members of personal union as well.
- Can no longer exploit reduce infrastructure to gain an extra manufactory.
- The event "The Mandate of Heaven" (flavor_dai.4) has now the proper event picture.
- Double clicking on top row of Great Projects in the ledger no longer shows the wrong location.
- Favors from relative alliance strength works the right way around.
- Fixed a CTD when reforming native federation advancements when at war.
- Infinite concentrate development exploit no longer works.
- Lan Xang is no longer infinitely reformable.
- Monuments no longer get downgraded when a province changes owner peacefully.
- Fixed so Mount Fuji gives a local development bonus, not global.
- Fixed issue where nations with capitals that can get a path to the HRE couldn't join the HRE.
- Fixed so natives can build boats.
- Fixed issue with naval attrition not working.
- Fixed another issue with calling non allies using the macro builder.
- No more event flood of old events on loading.
- Fixed outliner not showing the correct name of colonies.
- Polynesians/Aboriginies use the correct fallback units if no Leviathan unit pack is installed.
- Ruler of Demak created by event majapahit.5 no longer has missing localization.
- Ruler of custom nation no longer disappears/gets bugged after reloading the save.
- Fixed some issues with separatism not disappearing when it should.
- Fixed issues with strengthening government when at lower legitimacy and max absolutism.
- The event "Dynastic Tensions in Dai Viet" now only triggers if the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
- Totemist ancestors now functional without Rights of Man.
- Zoroastrian religion no longer displays Coptic icons.
- Fixed an issue with assigning the correct government reform for different colony types.
- Battles against condottieri now count for war score.
- Canals no longer locked behind Wealth of Nations DLC.
- Disabled trade favors for trust and prepare for war diplomatic actions when Leviathan and Cossacks are disabled.
- Event sikhism_flavor.2 actually does something.
- Fixed issues with advisor portrait fallbacks.
- Fixed a CTD related to adding pashas.
- Huge amounts of dev in a province no longer cause overflow error for increasing development.
- Fixed a CTD related to using the cede_province effect with an invalid country.
- Fixed a CTD related to checking if we can vassalize someone we've already selected to pillage and their capital province is not in a state.
- Fixed issue causing massive error log.
- Fixed an OOS when host and client use different languages.
- Fail conditions for "Increase Autonomy in X" Dhimmi Agenda are now displayed properly.
- Fixed so Aotearoa, Fiji and Hawaii keep their National Ideas after their formation.
- The Mandala System government reform is only usable when the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
- Fixed a CTD for missing gfx culture tag for sprite packs.
- Corrected Kaitiakitanga spelling.
- Fixed a crash when running the every_tribal_land_province effect on non tribal countries.
- Fixed so blue mountains look like mountains.
1.31.3 is a hotfix released on 2021-05-12[3] with the checksum 984a.
- 无法对首都直属州使用集中发展度。
- 将骑士团国家的6级政府改革“世袭制修会”的前提从贵族理念改为神权理念。
- 安南和东京的国教从上座部佛教改为大乘佛教。
- 修改了圣伯多禄大殿生效对宗教的要求。
- 微调了夏威夷国家理念中的野心。
- 修复AI在有条件且应当制造核心时可能不会制造核心的问题。
- 修改了AI对于超过行政容量上限给予的惩罚的估量。
- AI不再会不停地延长摄政。
- All events without namespace now give proper triggered illustration.
- 修改了“月度改革进度”图标的分辨率。
- Fixed so papacy screen doesn't use two different icon assets to represent one same resource.
- 减少了利维坦DLC解锁的任务树中重复的任务图标。
- 修复了齐米阶层的阶层议程中不合理的提示。
- Fixed issue with tooltip for naval attrition regarding lack of sailors.
- Centralize state tooltip now shows the correct dev limit.
- 占婆1级炮兵兵模中的人物将改为与其特有兵模一致,而非错误的默认步兵兵模。
- 马六甲4级炮兵兵模中的人物将改为与其特有兵模一致,而非错误的满者伯夷步兵兵模。
- 满者伯夷1级炮兵兵模中的人物将改为与其特有兵模一致,而非错误的默认步兵兵模。
- 文莱3级骑兵兵模中的人物将改为与其特有兵模一致,而非错误的2级步兵兵模。
- 移除了西班牙2级兵模(属于天主教联盟兵模包)中士兵穿戴的罩衫;这一服装与史实不符。
- 增大了帝国事变信息框。
- Fixed overlapping of monuments and native buildings.
- 上师的确认对话框中将提示其给予的传教力量惩罚。
- Clicking the centralize state section in outliner now opens the province view.
- Fixed issue with misalignment in edicts background.
- 添加了current_guru_is的触发条件。
- 将触发条件reform_level改为判断当前已通过的政府改革的总数,has_reform_on_level则将判断是否拥有某一级别的政府改革。
- Fixed so culture trigger works on countries as well as provinces.
- Fixed so num_of_colonies trigger uses correct value.
- 成就“西伯拉黄金七城”不再要求你以普韦布洛开局(普韦布洛tag现已不存在),改为以普韦布洛文化国家开局。
- 修改了成就“六国联邦”的条件,任意易洛魁国家都可以完成该成就。
- 修改了成就“圣火长明”的条件,使得开启随机新世界时亦可以完成该成就。
- 修改了成就“圣火长明”的条件,要求你是祆教国家。
- 修改了某些成就,使其不再向无法达成它们的国家展示。
- Burgundy is unable to declare war of independence until the Imperial Incident is over. This change will not affect campaigns, which don't have Emperor enabled.
- 在宗教改革时代触发“南北朝”灾难时,将能给予安南、东京以王朝正确的新统治者。
- 事件“京都陷落”会给予新幕府将军对所有前大名的“附庸国家”宣战理由。
- 事件“京都陷落”会将所有前将军的大名附庸转移给京都的新拥有者。
- 京都的新拥有者不会继续作为大名。
- Event to upgrade the Tenochtitlan now actually upgrades it.
- 修复了锡克教事件链中的若干问题。
- 在事件“$YEAR$年议会”(flavor_hun.1)中选择维持议会时,将给予一个有特定名称的摄政议会。
- 修复了遗腹子拉迪斯劳斯在匈牙利的摄政议会名称未空白的错误。
- 大平原原住民通用理念中的“帐篷中的居民”与“野牛猎手”互换位置,“帐篷中的居民”成为第一个理念。
- 通过海盗趣味事件被释放的海盗国家能够正确获得海盗通用理念。
- 位于随机新世界的国家再次可以使用新大陆任务树。
- 勃艮第任务“法兰克之王”的奖励改为将所有法兰西的附庸国转移给勃艮第,无视其原有独立倾向。
- Fixed Byzantine "Rome Reclaimed" mission to trigger on catholic countries when completed.
- 高棉任务“保护占族人”脚本中括号的错误被修正,使得该任务后续的所有其它任务能够正常起效。
- 将胡斯派添加为了完成瑞士任务“香肠事件”的一个可用选项。
- 移除了随机新世界的原住民任务树中的部分任务;这些任务要求位于美洲的特定省份。
- 原达科他直属州被改名为“北达科他”,其南边的原明尼苏达直属州被改名为“南达科他”;“明尼苏达”(Minnessota)中错误的双写s被修正;原“德克萨斯”直属州与原“德克萨斯平原”直属州互换了名称,现在被称为“沿海草原”。
- 移除了八昔在省份Butak本不应存在的核心。
- 修复了帖木儿继承人开局为-1宣称强度的错误。
- 修改了新西兰若干省份的地形。
- 修改了新西兰若干省份的商品。
- 修改了新西兰南岛3个省份的划分。
- 将若干个毛利原住民国家的名称改为正确的伊维部落名称。
- 修改了新西兰若干省份的名称。
- 修改了新西兰若干省份的发展度,使其能更好地与史实中毛利城寨(即“帕堡”)的密度相对应。
- 修改了与越南相关个若干个与史实不符的错误。
- 阿姆布拉斯宫所在的省份已被改正。
- 修改了奥特亚罗瓦的颜色,避免其与大不列颠或英格兰混淆。
- 与伟大工程有重叠的“修复长城”、“建造紫禁城”、“将宫廷移至凡尔赛”等决议改为仅在利维坦DLC未激活时可用。
- 修正了越文化的若干王朝名称。
- The agenda "Build Alliances" will no longer be available for subject nations as they would automatically fail the agenda when they take it.
- 省份埃地与西原交换位置;国家埃地与格贺交换位置。
- 为毛利文化增加了若干王朝名。
- 修复了宿敌相关机制中可导致闪退的错误。
- 修复了议和相关机制中可导致闪退的错误。
- Fixed some CTDs for mods in province view.
- Fixed a CTD related to conquering a province from a centralized state.
- Fixed a CTD related to parsing event triggers.
- Fixed an OOS related to an issue with constructions while migrating.
- Can now take land from natives if they're sitting on some other tribe's tribal land.
- Can now take land from a tribe that's sitting on unclaimed land in a peace treaty.
- Coastal Defence or Naval Battery built in one province no longer blocks raiding of the entire country's coast.
- Force religion is no longer free after you pillage the capital. Force religion is a cost per unit dev; so is pillage state (except you're not pillaging all the dev). So, if you choose Force Religion and Pillage, the cost will be the same as selecting Force Religion only (because the total dev that's being affected is the same -* you're changing religion on 80% and pillaging the other 20%, or you're changing religion on 100%); but if you choose Pillage only then the war score cost will be lower (20% of the total dev cost).
- Grazing the land in enemy territory will now give tribal development.
- 修复了八旗兵种特殊修正失效的问题。
- 利维坦、达摩扩展包均可解锁曼荼罗体系政府改革。
- Old heir dying now means any extended regency is cancelled.
- Fixed bug with Parliament issues not being persisted.
- Sikhism events now change gurus, and you can't add multiple teachings by not accepting on the dialog.
- 在mod中完全移除奥斯曼不会再使你在征召将领时发生游戏崩溃。但仍要注意,完全移除一个tag会造成文件无法正确加载。
- Stopped menu flipping to government when natives reform.
- “附庸国家”宣战理由将允许你无视战争目标的发展度附庸该国(与重建联合统治等宣战理由类似)。
- 修复了贤能值机制启用时会显示继承人宣称的错误。
- Fixed performance issue selecting armies that can do autonomous carpet siege in big areas.
- The governments of Self-Governing Colonies have now their proper name.
- 修复了无法对地区首都省份重命名的错误。
- 修复了修正“guru_teaching”没有本地化文本作为其名称的错误。
- 修复了本地化的若干错误。
- 修改了触发修正“反动”的条件,使得其仅在与一个革命国家位于同一大陆或接壤时才生效。
- 修复了勃艮第继承危机的若干问题。
- 修复了作为共和制国家不选择1级政府改革时会将专制度设为最大的问题。
- 修复了除以附庸国家为战争目标的战争外,在议和时均无法附庸国家的错误。
- Fixed issue with events stopping to show up for the player.
- 当一个神圣罗马帝国外国家成为皇帝时,其所有与首都直接相连的省份将被加入帝国。
- 为“宣布世袭”帝国改革增加了一条提示,说明实行这项改革会使皇帝在帝国内的附庸国不计入外交关系。
- 修复“巴邻旁的海盗”事件提示中君主名字错误的问题。
- 修复了军事战术差距在围城界面的提示中会错误地出现的问题。
- 为“对异教传教力量”新增了图标。
- 成立马来亚将能够询问玩家是否改变国家理念为马来亚理念。
- “转进巴西”决议将会把首都迁至巴西,不论此前首都是位于欧洲还是其它地区。
- 事件“婆罗浮屠建成”将获得平均发生时间的修正,巽他和满者伯夷触发这一事件的几率将大大提升。
- 巽他仅能在完成任务“重建婆罗浮屠”后触发事件“婆罗浮屠建成”。
- 萨摩亚理念“萨摩亚风俗”中+5%行政效率的奖励被改为+10%行政容量。
- 修改了印度尼西亚任务中的部分任务图标。
- 修正了巴邻旁任务树中有重复任务的错误。
- 完成阿瑜陀耶任务“绝对王权”并成立暹罗时将能够询问玩家是否改变国家理念为暹罗理念。
- The Maori mission "Centralize the Realm" gives now monarch points if you are no longer tribal instead of trying to enact the Polynesian Kingdom.
- The Maori mission "Loyal Subjects" will no longer require that all estates have less than 10 influence. Instead, it will now require that every estate has less 40 influence and a loyalty of 65 or higher.
- The Maori mission "Own a Center of Trade" will now upgrade only ONE of your Centers of Trade instead of every single one.
- The Maori mission "Riri Wars" will give you now +100 ADM power and 0.15 years of Manpower if there is no rival left for getting a CB against.
- The Maori mission "Expand the Trade Routes"'s requirement is now consistent with itself, meaning the amount of trade buildings you need to have is always 3 or 2 with 20 light ships.
- The Maori mission "Gain Mana"'s requirement has been nerfed to having 1 stability down from 3.
- 所有由阶层特权给予的省份修正将能够对该特权授予后新获得的省份起效。例如,新征服的基督教省份也将受到齐米阶层特权给予的修正。
- 修复了多人游戏时自定义国家相互覆盖的问题。
- 宣战界面不会错误地提示帝国皇帝的盟友将参战。
- define_heir效果中,如果未对君主能力数值指定“fixed = yes”,则新君主能够正确地获得高于这一数值的君主能力。
- 一个国家不复存在时,将取消其革命国家的机制。修改后,重新释放这个国家时,其将不再是革命国家。
- 满者伯夷和高棉的灾难能够在正确的时间爆发。
- 修复了法尔斯的君主名称出现乱码的问题。
- 战力一个国家的首都后,可以正确地在外交界面取消对其的间谍网建设。
- 修复了导致进入存档后无法加快修建奇观的问题。
- 自定义国家设计器里面更改兵种或科技等级不再关闭兵模列表。
- 征服一个正在修建伟大工程的省份后,其修建将被取消。
- 修复AI解散雇佣兵可导致闪退的问题。
- Fixed a CTD when tooltipping siege in outliner.
- 战争中同一方作战的国家将自动获得舰队驻港权。
- 修复“离开了帝国”观点修正不会随时间衰减的错误。
- 修复了属国不会伪造宣称的错误。
- 最后一个联邦里程碑现在正确地继承成员国而不会自动定居,并会正确地获得全部部落领地。
- 修复了若干个与宣战理由和战争目标有关的错误。
- 修复了与将领初始化有关的失去同步问题。
- 修复了与海军修正有关的失去同步问题。
- 修复了多人游戏中游戏已开始后先请求加入游戏再取消又请求加入会导致出现两个请求的现象。
- 修复了与伟大工程事件有关的若干错误。
- 修复事件窗口弹出时与选择一个事件图片来显示相关的闪退。
- 修复尚未发生的事件如果没有效果过期时间错误加载的问题。
- 修复了多人游戏中合作时事件不发生的问题。
- 修复了间谍网相关机制中可导致闪退的错误。
1.31.5 is a bugfix patch released from public beta testing on 2021-07-08[5] with the checksum 3261.
The patch was initially released as a beta patch on 2021-06-17 and was twice during its beta period -- to on 2021-06-23 and to on 2021-07-01.
- 贸易中心升至 2 级改为要求 15 发展度,升至 3 级改为要求 30 发展度。
- 工场“强制征兵办公室”现在能够 -10%本地造船时间、-5%本地造船花费。这一加成在生产盐、鱼类、船具的省份加倍。
- 原住民国家不可使用州法案。
- 部落发展度不再计入时代目标“大城市”的达成条件。
- 鲁塞尼亚、俄罗斯转变主流文化时将失去沙皇国的政府改革。
- 修复了穆斯林神权国无法使用贵族理念的问题。
- 拥有DLC皇帝但未拥有DLC常识的玩家,在拥有能够启用国会(需要常识DLC)的政府改革时,仍将能召集阶层议会。
- 西伯利亚部落重新允许迁徙。
- 封建神权制政府改革对祆教国家也将可用。但对祆教国家而言“邀请国外少数族群”的特殊能力可能作用不大。
- Reverted previous change to add HRE Emperor territory to the HRE, fixed an issue of foreign emperor subjects after revoking the privilegia.
- 纳瓦特尔宗教、玛雅宗教的“改革通过”事件将给予因通过改革被释放的国家与原国家之间以相互的停战协定。
- 允许圣公宗的女性君主成为信仰守护者。
- 祆教圣地祝福得到增强。亚斯纳改为奖励 -0.05 腐败度;豪麻改为奖励 +10% 商品产出修正;达赫马改为奖励 -10% 建筑花费。
- 祆教“重燃圣火”决议变为主要决议,并将在通过后给予 +20% 正统信仰省份的人力修正。
- 将防止被绝罚所需的教廷影响力数值改为 50.
- 陆军训练将仅在军事科技 3 级后解锁。
- Capped Vassalization CB no longer applies to co-belligerent & non co-belligerent chains.
- 要求亲属成为继承人不再使全世界国家均产生AE。
- 对桨帆船的作战能力进行平衡。桨帆船在公海上将弱于大型船只,但在沿岸海域获得较小的加成。
- 帝国改革“帝国战争”给予的CB能够使较大的国家加入神圣罗马帝国。
- Fixed some issues with zone of control and return province by removing the logic for moving along enemy provinces as long as they border non-hostile territory.
- 将泰姬陵2、3级的威望奖励改为辉煌点数奖励。
- 将姬路城3级的省份要塞防御增加至+50%。
- 将克里姆林宫各个级别给予的本地人力加成分别改为+25%、+50、+100%。
- 鉴于巴库圣火庙需要信仰祆教才能激活,将其奖励的训练度增至+10%。
- 将所有佛教相关名胜的月度业力增长改为业力衰减。
- 允许天主教国家使用圣索菲亚大教堂,给予的加成为教廷影响力;对基辅洞窟大修道院也作了类似的调整。
- 将帕特农神庙的激活条件改为省份宗教属于原始宗教组、与拥有者国教相同,或省份文化是希腊文化、已接纳或主流文化是该文化(与巨石阵和胡夫金字塔相似)。
- 将佩特拉的激活条件改为省份文化是叙利亚或贝都因文化、已接纳或主流文化是该文化(不再限定宗教)。
- 将胡夫金字塔的激活条件改为省份文化是埃及文化、已接纳或主流文化是该文化(与巨石阵和帕特农神庙相似)。
- 加速名胜建造的人力花费改为7500。
- 将名胜升级花费依次改为1.000/2.500/5.000。
- 摩洛哥开局时将拥有“强大公爵”的阶层特权。改动后其附庸国应当不太容易从开局时就处于叛离状态。
- 增加了新的名胜——埃斯科里亚尔修道院、耶路撒冷圣城、波托西富饶山、天房、杰内大清真寺和顺化皇城;将已有的名胜佩纳宫替换为贝伦塔。
- 神圣罗马帝国外交行动“强制宗教统一”带来的关系惩罚从-10改为-25,叠加的总上限值为-100.
- 将婆罗浮屠寺1级的加成改为-5%转变文化花费,3级的本地自治度变化改为全局自治度变化。
- 将阿姆布拉斯宫的加成改为1级+10%训练度获得、2级+30%训练度获得。
- 将卡米城的加成改为伪造宣称花费,1级-10%,2级-20%,3级-30%。
- 将勃固王宫2、3级给予的外交威望调整为+1。
- 改善了AI对于要求亲属成为继承人的逻辑。
- 修复了AI计算叛军部队实力的问题。
- 属国的附庸国,在其宗主国对它的宗主国的独立倾向较高时,仍会参加宗主国的宗主的战争。
- AI控制的贸易城市禁止在和平条约中夺取省份或附庸别国。
- 取消了AI选择宗教改革的部分限制。
- 一个附属国不再会主动释放附庸国。
- 增加了可用免费政策栏的高亮显示。
- 新增了宗教联盟地图模式。
- 新增了伟大工程地图模式(置于地理类别)。
- 为方便原住民国家迁徙,未殖民省份也将在地图上显示其荒废度。
- 修复当陆军单位与陆军模板菜单打开时,切换地图模式时会导致菜单无法关闭的问题。
- 在神圣罗马帝国界面及地图模式中增加了永久议会城市的位置。
- 东方财阀政治关于征召运输船的提示文字在DLC利维坦未开启时不会显示。
- 自定义国家理念能够使用其自定义化的理念描述。
- 修复了加入神圣罗马帝国的信息提示栏中的误导性信息。
- 停战协议提示栏现在能够显示条款导致的信任度和人情的变化。
- 增加了当两个玩家选用同一国家但未开启合作模式的警告提示信息。
- 改善了摄政议会工具栏,显示其结束的日期。
- 为“黑市财团”政府改革的信息栏增加了关于“商业共和国机制”的具体描述。
- Fixed so show the monument trigger when it's also passed.
- Improved tooltip for inland to sea galley bonus.
- 国家理念中未应用的加成(例如因政体原因不可用)将在国家理念信息栏中以灰色显示,不再直接隐藏。
- 自定义国家的兵模现在能够正确地与文化对应。
- 对兵模的启用机制和启用优先级顺序作了大的调整。多种此前仅由特定tag使用的兵模,现在均可被特定文化或文化组的国家使用;苏格兰、诺曼底等国家成立大不列颠或法兰西等国后,将仍可保留其特有的兵模。
- 欧洲国家骑兵兵模包(含英格兰、法兰西、西班牙)现在能够正常出现。
- 澜沧兵模能够正常在游戏中出现。
- 翼骑兵兵模能够正常在游戏中出现。
- 明星与新月的骑兵兵模能够正常在游戏中出现。
- [Native American Unit Packs] Most Native American models re-exported with dynamic colours.
- [Native American Unit Packs] Native American models spread around North America to cover most cultures.
- 北美原住民步兵的2级兵模将与1级兵模的特殊装扮相同,但将近战武器改为火绳枪。
- 紫凤凰兵模包现在对所有拜占庭文化组国家适用。
- 在统计报表和发展度地图模式中新增了部落发展度的信息。
- 属国界面中,商人图标将不再出现于所有类别的附属国的信息栏中。
- Fixed overflow issue in the Next Guru Effects UI.
- 增加了联盟凝聚力达到最大值的提示。
- 在伟大工程统计报表页面中增加了所属国家的信息。
- Central Doab Center of Trade Modifier Icon is no longer overlapped by Center of Trade.
- Changing displayed Unit Type or Technology Tier no longer closes Sprite Pack list in Nation Designer.
- 在选中新省份时,将关闭已打开的前一个省份的建筑界面。
- 教程中新增了对腐败度的介绍。
- 修改了腐败度提示栏中有误导性的内容。
- 新增了玩家从沿海省份迁徙至内陆省份会导致正在建造的船只消失的警告信息。
- 新增了玩家被踢出游戏时的聊天框提示。
- Fixed so you can see if a player is the primary controller of a country.
- The player names are no longer cut off before the buttons to the right in the ingame multiplayer lobby.
- 修复了雷吉斯坦广场的加成不同级别种类不一致的问题。
- 新增了年度末日值减少的修正:yearly_doom_reduction。
- Added general_with_name trigger, which correctly checks if a unit has a general with a specified name assigned to them.
- num_of_colonies now counts colony provinces while colony trigger counts subjects.
- Fixed a CTD for loading a save from a mod with new mercenary companies into the regular game which doesn't have those mercenary companies.
- Fixed a savegame corruption related to inexistent unit types.
- Fixed a lot of CTDs caused by missing GUI objects in mods.
- Fixed a CTD related to nudger, province graphics, and graphical cultures.
- Can now manually set the priorities of which unit packs override each other in gfx/sprite_packs_order
- 修复了成就“僵硬的上唇”的省份高亮提示。
- 成就“圣火长明”不再要求省份
沙马基 [4299]。 - 成就“世界征服者”现在能够计入属国的属国。
- 成就“世界征服者”现在只对未由本国或本国附属国拥有的省份加以高亮显示,而非所有本国未拥有的省份。
- 修复了成就脚本的部分问题。
- 成立马来亚现在将询问玩家是否切换其国家理念。
- 决议“转进巴西”现在能够将首都正确地迁至巴西,不论原首都是位于欧洲还是其它地区。
- 现在,丹麦、瑞典、挪威成立斯堪的纳维亚后仍将能够触发其原有的特有趣味事件。
- 阿瑜陀耶事件“君士坦丁·华尔康”现在能够正确地改变“开放度”的数值。
- 事件“我们帝国的意识形态”现在能够正确地和谐本国原有的宗教。
- The Fetishist event "Cave Maitenance" will now properly check if every owned province has not "Maintenance of the Sacred Cave" in effect already.
- 图腾崇拜事件“发现伴侣!”将正确地给予一个省份以-1叛乱度。
- 葡萄牙事件“贝伦塔”现在将使其花费500金币,将名胜贝伦塔的级别提升1级。当DLC利维坦未激活时,该事件保留原有的效果。
- The event "Gaps in the Blockade" will now properly check if you are blocked in the first place.
- The event "The Spice Must Flow"'s option "The spice flows." will now give 5 Prestige as it was intended.
- 事件“达玛尔乌兰的胜利”现在能够正确地计数将领达玛尔乌兰是否参与了战斗。
- 事件“苏利耶之子”给予的继承人将不再是固定能力数值。
- Fixed an issue in the monopoly extension event tooltip.
- Fixed text on monopoly_privileges.6 button tooltip.
- The event "pirates.25", which updates the ideas for Pirate nations, is now instantaneous and doesn't require one day to wait to happen.
- 修复了事件burghers_estate_events.17, french_wars_of_religion.13, dotf.4的问题。
- 新增了64种自定义国家理念。
- 为“随机设置”开启时产生的随机国家的理念设定了一定的逻辑。这将大大降低一个国家获得对其完全无效的理念加成,或者用处甚微的罕见加成。
- 新增了一个由原住民理念、航海理念解锁的政策。
- Fixed inconsistencies with some reduced advisor cost idea descriptions.
- 政策“向旧势力呼吁”改为由原住民/外交理念解锁,不再由原住民/贸易理念解锁。
- 博洛尼亚理念“反抗教廷”给予的加成增加了+1正统信仰。
- 修复了拥有DLC利维坦时勃兰登堡/普鲁士任务“建造基尔运河”的问题。
- 法兰西任务“征服皮卡第”不再要求省份加莱。
- Modified the requirements for Sunda's "Restore Borobudur" mission
- Palembang has decided to be more ambitious and has their duplicate column of missions replaced with the intended missions.
- The Malaccan mission "Make a Show of Force" will no longer give you a subjugation casus belli against Siak if they are already dead.
- The Malaccan mission "Subjugate Pahang" will now properly assign the subjugation casus bellis against Kelantan, Pattani and Kedah.
- The Vietnamese mission "The Imperial City" will upgrade the monument "Imperial City of Hue" by one level when completed.
- The misison "Renovate Berlin" now requires you to actually have Berlin.
- The mission "Like Thunder" now points you to enemy provinces.
- The mission "Religious Conversion" no longer requires you to be non-Pagan.
- The mission "Religious Conversion" now highlights all the heretic provinces of your island correctly. Additionally, the trigger now shows that the current age needs to be the Age of Reformation or later.
- The mission "Taming of the Sands" will no longer highlight provinces hold by Hasinai.
- The mission "Trade Dominance" highlights your home trade node instead to Malacca.
- The Ayutthayan mission "Royal Absolutism" will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas when switching to Siam.
- The Maori mission "Centralize the Realm" now gives monarch points if you are no longer tribal instead of trying to enact the Polynesian Kingdom.
- The Maori mission "Loyal Subjects" will no longer require that all estates have less than 10 influence. Instead, it will now require that every estate has less 40 influence and a loyalty of 65 or higher.
- The Maori mission "Own a Center of Trade" will now upgrade only ONE of your Centers of Trade instead of every single one.
- The Maori mission "Riri Wars" will give you now +100 ADM power and 0.15 years of Manpower if there is no rival left for getting a CB against.
- The Maori mission "Expand the Trade Routes"'s requirement is now consistent wit itself, meaning the amount of trade buildings you need to have is always 3 or 2 with 20 light ships.
- The Maori mission "Gain Mana"'s requirement has been nerfed to having 2 stability down from 3.
- Fixed issues in Alpine Fortifications and Fortify the Passes missions.
- Fixed force tributary state CB granted by missions in Tonga and Samoa disappearing on next monthly tick.
- 为没有本地化名称的修正“扩建基础设施”补充了本地化文本。
- 修改了北美省份名称重复的问题。The province "Eyeish" (ID 926) has now been renamed to "Ais" and the province "Combahee" (ID 2541) has been renamed to "Saluda".
- 省份修正“富饶山”和“征服耶路撒冷”在DLC利维坦开启时将不再生效,其原有的效果已被嵌入其对应的新名胜之中。
- 修复了省份
科查蒂 [4887]、莫纳坎 [949]、莫赫坦 [4889]、埃地 [4824]、西原 [2375]上陆军单位位置显示错误的问题。 - Strait connecting Epagoitgnag (983) to rest of Canada is assigned to correct province.
- Added a lot of missing adjectives for the provinces, which got added with Leviathan.
- Renamed some duplicative provinces.
- 时代能力“奥地利外交”现在对神圣罗马帝国tag可用。
- 时代能力“普鲁士训练”现在对德意志可用。
- 时代能力“瑞典征兵制”现在对斯堪的纳维亚可用。
- 灾难“渴望自由”的触发条件由稳定度低于1改为稳定度低于0。此外,首都存在革命思潮不会再导致其进度加快。
- The technology costs for custom nations have been standardized (with the exception of Aboriginal technology group). For a custom nation in the new world, all technologies, which start with tech level 3, cost 75 points while all technologies with tech level 2 cost 50 points.
- 名胜特诺奇蒂特兰现在各个等级依次给予 0.33/0.66/1.00 年度末日值降低。
- 名胜凡尔赛宫给予的+1叛乱度改为-1叛乱度。
- Country leaving HRE modifiers are unified so they're consistent.
- Fixed an issue with custom nations overriding others in MP.
- 玛雅宗教改革不会再导致
- 除开局时已预设的原住民部落联盟之外的部落联盟在通过改革“联盟宪法”时,能够更改其tag和国家理念了。
- Seizing land from an empty estate will no longer cause a revolt.
- It's no longer possible to use threaten war to bypass invalid CB.
- Fixed issue with AE vs Native tribes.
- Fixed issue where annexed native tribes still owned tribal land.
- Armies are no longer disbanded if only one of 2 attached armies are attached to transport ships.
- 殖民主义思潮不会再诞生于殖民进度较为落后的国家。
- Fixed issue where you couldn't speed up progress on monuments after continuing save.
- 自定义国家的君主现在能够与玩家设定的文化和宗教相一致。
- Fixed issue in the production tutorial.
- Fixed an inconsistency in native institutions behaviour.
- Fixed an issue with using return core on vassals.
- Influencing a country can no longer have a negative cost if the target is making no money from taxes.
- 退出宗教联盟的冷却时间无法再通过保存、加载游戏来避免。
- Modifier granted by the third Indigenous Idea "The Great Law" is now applied after reforming from a tribe.
- 对新产生的继承人重新命名不会再导致国家历史被清空。
- 被焚毁的西伯利亚拓荒区殖民地现在可以被重新建立。
- 宗教联盟战争期间,如果现任皇帝死亡且继承人为女性,不会再导致帝国直接解散。
- 祆教圣地奖励“豪麻”现在能够正常生效。
- 修复加泰罗尼亚、爱尔兰文化的动态地名中的乱码。
- Fixed some issues with tribal land not being given correctly in peace deals.
- 升级名胜现在能够正确地给予脚本文件中设定的阶层忠诚度。
- 修复了宣战理由和战争目标的若干问题。
- 修复了在Linux系统上加入多人游戏时可导致游戏崩溃的问题。
- 修复了与不生效的雇佣兵团相关的游戏崩溃问题。
- Fixed a CTD when tooltipping siege in outliner.
- 修复了不存在的伟大工程可导致游戏崩溃的问题。
- Fixed a CTD related to HRE incidents.
- 修复了与议和相关的若干个游戏崩溃问题。
- Fixed a CTD related to client not having some DLCs activated that the host does.
- Fixed a crash related to generating monarch skill levels.
- Fixed an OOS related to the death of a ruler.
- Fixed an OOS related to religious school.
- Fixed an OOS related to heir stats generation.
- Fixed an OOS related to mismatch of activated DLCs between host and client.
- Fixed an issues with kicking people from the outliner.
- Fixed an issue where the war icon would show up the first frame the player is created in the outliner.
- 修复了法语翻译中胜利窗口弹出文本与“确认”按钮重叠的问题。
- Fixed some inconsistencies for a foreign emperor with subjects.
- 修复游戏储存中具有无效任务的单位的损坏问题。
- 修复了若干希腊文化国家的文件中引号不全的问题。
- Various file encoding issues.
- Various localization issues.
- Various script issues.
- 改善了战争期间的游戏性能。
- 摄政议会的摄政者不会再基于其所属王朝宣称其它国家的王位。
- 现在可以通过改革再次从定居部落改为迁徙部落。
- 地图上的帕特农神庙将能够根据国家宗教显示宣礼塔。
- 西方科技组的穆斯林宗教组国家无法再使用齐米阶层。
- AI在接近其行政容量上限时建造法院、州议会的倾向提高。
- AI在接近其行政容量上限时授予特定阶层特权的倾向提高。
- 成立吐蕃将询问玩家是否将国家理念切换至西藏理念。
- 事件“斯滕·斯图雷的摄政统治”不会在瑞典处于联合统治之下时发生,从而防止其过早地结束与丹麦的联合统治。
- 对拜占庭的态度为敌意、宿敌或愤怒的国家不再会在事件“君士坦丁堡牧首区修复东西教会大分裂”中转变宗教。
- The event "Consort Sighted!" will no longer trigger infinitely.
- 成立吐蕃能够正确地给予玩家西藏理念。
- 成立由部落联盟成立的国家不会再错误地给予通用国家理念。
- The French mission "Strengthen the Auld Alliance" has now a fallback condition: instead of improving the relation of any country in the British Isles, France can complete this mission by completely conquering the region instead.
- 教宗国任务“新圣伯多禄大殿”现在能使名胜圣伯多禄大殿提升一级。
- The mission "Legacy of Bubat" will require players without the Leviathan DLC to guarantee Majapahit.
- The Clergy agenda "Root out Heresy in " will no longer target the Papal State as he is too stubborn to be converted.
- The Burgher agenda "Settle in " will no longer automatically fail if you colonize a province next to your colony.
- The Burgher agenda "Protect against Piracy" will now ask you to ensure that no country has more than 2% Trade Power in form of Privateers in the target Trade Node.
- 利维坦DLC的三种殖民领现在能够获得与普通殖民领一致的特殊统治者头衔。
- 名胜特诺奇蒂特兰各个级别现在依次给予 1/2/3 的年度末日值减少。
- 名胜凡尔赛宫各个级别现在依次给予 0/5/10 的贵族忠诚均衡度,取消其本地叛乱度修正,给予的全国税收修正依次改为 10%/15%/20%.
- Fixed an issue, which made the usage of the Feudal Theocracy unusable if you switch from Muslim to Zoroastrian.
- Fixed a CTD related to clicking the trade company investments alert.
- Fixed an OOS related to federation leader leaving the federation without assigning a new leader.
- Reverted previous zone of control changes introduced in 1.31.5 due to odd edgecases.
- 西方科技组的穆斯林宗教组国家无法再使用齐米阶层。
- 原住民国家将不再获得自动的+0.5月度改革进度。
- 政府改革“逐季迁徙”、“定居”和“战团”将解锁高于公国的政府等级。
- The AI will no longer automatically revoke the Land Rights privileges when they fall below a certain percentage of used governing capactiy due to the usage of the privilege in the first place.
- Added a few more modifiers for the AI to be more likely to take the Land Rights privileges.
- 达尔马提亚文化国家将使用威尼斯兵模。
- 调节格沃古夫的地图颜色使之与波兰能够区分得更明显。
- Karelian culture has higher priority for Novgorodian instead of Muscovite.
- Inca unit models now apply to countries in Maranon group such as Chachapoya.
- 修复了葡萄牙使用卡斯蒂利亚/西班牙兵模的文字输入错误。
- 鲁塞尼亚文化的默认兵模由扎波罗热兵模改为鲁塞尼亚兵模。
- 金帐兵模能够正常出现,不再错误地被喀山兵模覆盖。
- 勃兰登堡/普鲁士兵模现在对所有普鲁士文化国家及勃兰登堡可用。
- Dutch models no longer apply to Burgundian (French group).
- All Pommeranian models now apply properly to Pommeranian culture and not Prussians or specific tags.
- 波希米亚兵模现在对所有捷克及索布文化国家可用。
- 巴伐利亚1级兵模现在对所有巴伐利亚文化国家可用,而非特定的若干tag。
- 萨克森1、3级兵模现在对所有萨克森文化国家可用,而非特定的若干tag。
- 维尔茨堡1、3级兵模现在对所有法兰克尼亚文化国家可用,而非特定的若干tag。
- 符腾堡1、3级兵模现在对所有施瓦本文化国家可用,而非特定的若干tag。
- Decisions, which would result in the formation of a new country, will no longer ask you to change ideas if you already have the ideas of the country you are forming into.
- The event "The Eyes Are Not Here" will now properly add the event effects on the province and its owner.
- Loyalty and Influence modifiers caused by the events for Estate Regencies will no longer last until the end of the game.
- The event "The Imperial Citadel" will now properly place a State House in the capital province.
- 只要日内瓦不由玩家控制,瑞士也将能够触发事件“加尔文成为日内瓦的宗教领袖”。
- The event "Profiteering in <Province>" has now a goto button.
- Burgundy will no longer gain any legitimacy increase for their heir as long Charles I de Bourgogne is the current ruler. This change should make the Burgundian Inheritance more likely to happen.
- The Portuguese "Wine Monopolies" can now be completed by becoming the leading producer of wine.
- The Siamese mission "Divide Lan Xang" has now an alternative way of completion by either having Lao as your primary culture or no province has Lao as a culture.
- The mission "Gain Mana" now requires only 1 Stabiltiy and 20 Prestige.
- The mission "Own a Center of Trade" will now properly upgrade an owned province's center of trade.
- The Nobles Agenda "Expand Military Infrastructure in <Province>" will no longer request you to build a Regimental Camp without alternatives if you don't have military tech 22.
- Fixed some script issues with AI building courthouses and town halls.
- Removed some unnecessary logging to improve performance.
- Fixed an OOS related to random new world.
- Aristocracy Ideas are no longer available to Republics.
- Fixed an issue, which prevented players from picking the government reform "Parliamentarism" when "Res Publica" is not enabled.
- The Federation Advancement "Pax Americana" will now apply the +10% Goods Produced Modifier properly.
1.31.6 is a compatibility patch released on 2021-09-30[6] with the checksum 157c.
- A compatibility patch for the launch on Epic Store.
- ↑ Forum: EU4: 1.31.1 Majapahit is now LIVE! - Checksum [19c6], 2021-04-28.
- ↑ Forum: EU4: 1.31.2 Majapahit is now LIVE! - Checksum [3ad4] - Not for problem reports, 2021-05-03
- ↑ Forum: EU4: 1.31.3 Majapahit is now LIVE! - Checksum [984a], 2021-05-12.
- ↑ Forum: EU4: 1.31.4 Majapahit is now LIVE! - Checksum [0f53], 2021-06-03.
- ↑ Forum: EU4: 1.31.5 Majapahit is now LIVE! - Checksum [3261], 2021-07-08.
- ↑ Forum: Dev diary #42 - Rebalancing Concentrate Development, Institutions, and More, 2021-09-28.