1.31 版本,代号“满者伯夷”,于2021年4月27日[1]发布。该版本与DLC 利维坦一同发布,校验码为0fb9。
- 添加了 7 个与特殊摄政有关的事件。
- 添加了与易洛魁部落相关的 4 个“慰灵战争”事件。
- 添加了与普韦布洛相关的 5 个事件。
- 为切罗基添加了 5 个新的事件。
- 新增了锡克教上师机制。
- 新增了几种警告提示。
- 继承人正统性机制重做。
- 新增了几种警告图标。
- 添加了新的属国标志。
- 添加新增了几种新政府改革的图标。
- 新的祆教圣地机制。
- 为不同种类的殖民领新增了政府改革。
- 新增了神权理念、游牧政体理念、原住民理念。
- 原住民迁徙机制重做。
- 移除迁徙速度机制,新增迁徙成本机制。
- 为可迁徙部落新增了省份荒废度较高、可以迁徙的警告。
- 新增了奥特亚罗瓦、(统一的)夏威夷以及斐济等新国家。
- 为波利尼西亚国家定制了贵族和教士阶层的名称。
- 新增了 45 个澳大利亚原住民和波利尼西亚国家。
- 北美洲新增了 98 个省份,包括历史上的两个湖泊——图莱里湖、卡维拉湖。
- 新增了澳洲原住民科技组。
- 新增了澳洲原住民和波利尼西亚通用理念。
- 为北美原住民和波利尼西亚国家新增了通用任务树。
- 为波利尼西亚国家新增了 43 个事件,配有新的事件插图。
- 为美洲原住民新增了数个通用事件。
- 新增了帕西文化。
- 添加了部落发展度机制。
- 为部落联盟机制添加了新内容。
- 为部落政体国家新增了几种政府改革。
- 更新了财阀君主制政府改革。
- 新增了公司联邦的政府改革。
- 为神权理念、游牧政体理念、原住民理念相关的政策添加了描述文本和名称。
- 新增了贸易商品:丁香。
- 添加了新雇佣兵团:日本志愿军。
- 新增了与部落联盟相关的几个事件。
- 添加了一个关于火山爆发的事件。
- Added difference between the graphics for cobelligerent with allies and cobelligerent without allies in the Declare War interface.
- 为部分欧洲省份添加了加泰罗尼亚文化的动态地名。
- 在宿敌国家支持叛军将不再给予力量投射。
- 继承人宣称的提高速率加快了。
- 统治者、继承人正统性机制作了修改,仅有未成年时才会获得很低的宣称。
- 摄政议会的正统性设为最低80%,在继承人未成年的情况下更加实用。
- 提升贸易中心至 2 级将要求省份发展度至少为 15,提升至 3 级要求发展度至少为 30。
- 建造运河将提供更多的贸易力量加成。
- (宗座)瑞士卫队的规模扩大四倍。
- 提升了储存资金的优先度和上限,极大降低了战争援助的倾向。
- 在有贷款时,降低殖民倾向。
- 在有贷款时,降低战争援助倾向。
- 在有贷款时,降低传教倾向。
- 在有贷款时,降低雇佣顾问倾向。
- 金币储蓄可以偿还所有的贷款而不仅仅是银行贷款。
- 海军陆战队受到的冲击伤害由 +25% 降低为 +10%。
- 海军理念完成奖励提供的海军陆战队上限由 +5% 提高为 +10%。
- 沿海省份每一点发展度给予的水手数由 30 提升为 40。
- 马拉塔阶层和贵族阶层的“扩大征兵”特权给予的最大人力加成由 +100% 改为 +25%,最大税收减成由 -25% 改为 -10%。
- 与有胜利卡的国家结盟将使所有阶层 -25 忠诚度。
- 游牧政体国家不可使用贵族理念。
- 海军将领和探险家新增了独立的维护上限,超过上限时使用外交点数维护。
- 沿岸海洋省份对海军接战宽度的影响由 +10% 改为 -20%。
- 海军接战宽度将随科技等级改变,最低为 5,最高为 75。
- 一艘舰船需要的水手数将随舰船升级而提高。
- sail_speed参数由封锁效率和航行速度共同决定
- 船员数目一致性平衡,降低了群岛护航舰、双桅快船、加里奥特桨帆船、加莱赛战船、桨帆战舰和战斗桨帆船所需水手数。
- 船只移动速度将随其升级而提高。桨帆战舰等级最高级别比最低级别时的移动速度提高 25%,其它种类船只则提高 50%。
- 岸防建筑新增了防止劫掠海岸的效果。
- 降低了任命枢机花费(appoint_cardinal_cost)修正的数值,允许将任命枢机花费降为 0 金币。
- Now you can release nations in the HRE Casus Bellis.
- 激活理念或提升科技获得创新度的警报出现日期由 90 天前改为 365 天前。
- 科技领先时获得的创新度自动增加值由 0.005 提高为 0.01。
- 首先激活理念给予的创新度由 1 提高至 2。
- 首先升级科技给予的创新度由 2 提高至 4。
- 大大降低了改革呼声的提高速度。
- 摄政议会不再降低正统性,改为增加提高稳定度花费。
- 现在将有王室联姻的国家设为共同作战目标也将受到惩罚。
- 卫彻共和国也允许使用商业共和国的 3 级政府改革。
- 在稳定与扩张界面中,可以更容易地找到发生叛乱风险较高的省份。
- 被重新释放的国家将能够沿用其被吞并时的几个数值。
- 为一些岛屿省份之间添加了海峡。
- 仅当自身对于宗主国;宗主国对更上一层宗主国的独立倾向低时,附庸才会加入战斗并且积极作战。
- 任何与神圣罗马帝国接壤的基督教国家都将可以加入帝国。
- 在和平条约中被强制成为朝贡国的国家如果还处于另一场战争中,那么仅有该国家会退出另一场战争,其已经进入战争的属国不会退出。
- 原始国家现在也能建造船只。在达到 3 级科技之前,他们可以建造名为“独木战船”的运输船。
- “限制帝国议会”的议会贿赂选项所花费的帝国权威由 5 降至 1。
- 非欧洲国家更倾向于在欧洲开设特许贸易公司。
- AI对金钱使用的规划得到了加强。
- AI对于建设岸防建筑的规划得到改进。
- 添加了AI使用集中州权力机制的相关设定。
- AI管理行政容量的能力得到了加强。
- 修改了AI使用“副王继承”政府改革的权重。
- 添加了AI对名胜机制的使用。
- 修正了AI可能强迫敌人成为玩家的朝贡国的问题。
- 添加了AI对于劫掠首都条款产生的AE的估量。
- AI在预备升级科技时不会再设立修会。
- AI can be dissuaded from attacking or checks for changed circumstances.
- 添加了Paradox Tinto的图标。
- 添加了新的加载画面,人物为满者伯夷国王哈亚·乌鲁克,背景为婆罗浮屠。
- 添加了祆教圣地机制的描述。
- 添加了波利尼西亚事件组的插图。
- 添加了东南亚事件组的插图。
- 添加了若干图标。
- 新增了“封存所有要塞”按钮。
- 新增了若干灾难图标。
- 修正了宏建造器GUI中建造的选项卡和贴图。
- 现在当你缺钱时,在界面中显示的债务承担数值包括利息。
- 在改变占领方时将按照发展度排序国家。
- Added scrollbar for estate privileges and removed the estate limit.
- Updating a Center of Trade now updates modifier immediately.
- Improved trade-power value tooltip in province view.
- Income and expenses now enum classes.
- 在日志记录中增加了收入与支出。
- Fixed the active forts icon in the military screen doesn't have a tooltip and is not aligned with the buttons or the text below.
- Added a message for when another nation gets a cardinal, Appoint Cardinal interaction has been used and when Papal States appoint a loyalist.
- 将阶层议程即将到期的警告从 1 年前调整至 3 年前。
- 神罗皇帝加入防御战争时可以被正确地显示。
- 为消息提示增加了全选/全不选按钮。
- Fixed tooltips for force limits when you have under 5 provinces.
- Made the syncretic faith window close if your religion changes.
- UI alert informs the player if they meet the requirements to become a Hegemon.
- Only provinces can be selected on map in peace deal view.
- Fixed issues with popup for Call to Arms as Defender of the Faith.
- Fixed Interface issue with recruiting cannons in subject territories.
- Show Governing Capacity in State View.
- Added add_great_project_tier to define the tier of a monument present in a province.
- Added free_concentrate_development = yes to allow Government Reforms to have this feature at no cost.
- Added extend_regency effect to set by how many years a regency will be extended.
- Added regency = { estate = xxxx } to set a estate as lead in a regency.
- Added set_estate_led_regency_privilege to define a privilege that will be added to a country. “random” is an option for a Random privilege chosen among the possible ones.
- Added great_project_upgrade_cost.
- Added local_great_project_upgrade_cost.
- Added monthly_heir_claim_increase_modifier (multiplicative).
- Added has_great_project { type = X }.
- Added num_of_times_used_transfer_development.
- Added num_of_times_used_pillage_capital.
- Added has_pillaged_capital_against.
- Added is_in_extended_regency = yes.
- Added has_estate_led_regency.
- Added estate_led_regency_influence.
- Added estate_led_regency_loyalty.
- Added is_subject_of_type_with_overlord.
- Added Number of Possible Federation Countries.
- Added Ancestor Personality Level in Defines.
- Added Ancestor Cost.
- Added Great Project Warscore Cost.
- Added Extended Regency Legitimacy Penalty.
- Added Default Extended Regency Years.
- Added Several Defines for Great Projects.
- Added Sikh Guru Chance.
- Added various Defines for Concentrate Development.
- Added on_pillaged_capital.
- Added on_transfer_development.
- Added on_extend_regency.
- Added on_estate_led_regency.
- Added on_estate_led_regency_surpassed.
- Added on_colonial_type_change.
- Added texture converter script.
- Added the option to have royal marriages and queens as requested by the reporter.
- Fixed federation cohesion bar isn't visible when you join a federation until you close and reopen the federation view.
- Added Catholic privilege for churches.
- Added Catholic Sanctuaries estate privilege.
- Added map mode, tooltips, fixed validation and province selection, fixed being able to siege sea provinces, added stop unit mission so we can cancel missions without needing to know what they are.
- Added 5 new events about the construction of monuments.
- Added a context string to evaluation of mission fulfillment.
- 教宗国在被附庸时无法再成为大名。
- 修复了加载一个不存在的省份时会发生崩溃的问题。
- 修复了多人游戏菜单中服务器名称及密码的输入框存在的问题。
- 修复了无法将部队建造至超过部队上限 80 %以上的问题。
- 修复了“日内瓦的自由”事件的错误。
- 修复了打开统计报表第 35 页时会发生崩溃的问题。
- 修复了在“继承了勃艮第!”事件中选择“将勃艮第整合进帝国”之后,勃艮第不会获得与皇帝同一统治王朝的问题。
- 修复了随机新世界不显示贸易节点的问题。
- 海军模板名称将禁止使用特殊字符。
- 修复了在已选择一个省份时打开贸易品地图模式会发生卡顿的问题。
- 点击贸易公司投资可用的警告标识后,将改为打开批量建造界面中的贸易公司投资页面。
- Now Inland trade tooltip explains it takes a third of development as a base.
- 当与一个朝贡国交战时,即使其宗主国未在战争中,也会获得在其宗主国的军事通行权。
- 当玩家与一个国家交战且玩家是一个朝贡国时,玩家的朝贡宗主向该国宣战、或将该国强制设为朝贡国,将不会再取消玩家对该国的军事通行权。
- 修复了当玩家在和平条约中同时提出附庸和割让省份的条款时花费的外交点数显示有误的问题。
- 修复了附庸国能够建立贸易公司的问题。
- 现在有附庸国的朝贡国可以在和平条约中将省份割给自己的附庸。
- 将被占领的敌国省份转给附庸国占领将不能再防止其被邻近的敌国要塞重新自动解除占领。
- 当关闭主菜单时,释放附庸国的子页面也会一同关闭。Now create Vassal overlay does not remain when you close the main tab.
- 无法再降低附庸国的贸易中心。
- 现在附庸给予的军队上限修正不会再错误地对单位操练带来的年度陆军职业度产生影响。
- 修复了对一个附属国宣战时,召唤盟友的通知不会由其宗主国发来、而是会由该附属国发来的问题。
- Fixed crash when player tries to open Show Diplomatic Feedback tab.
- Fixed crash when getting cost for upgrading a max level center of trade.
- Fixed crash with totemist mechanic if ruler has a personality.
- 修复了选择一个没有特质的君主为祖灵时会发生崩溃的问题。
- Fixed various missions in all areas.
- Improved feedback for autonomous carpet siege.
- 修复了随机新世界开启时的纳瓦拉任务树的问题。
- 修复了劫掠首都机制的若干问题。
- Fixed different issues with extend diplomacy.
- 移除了原始国家对非原始国家的“民族主义”宣战理由。
- Added explanation for favor rewards.
- Fixed overlap of some buttons on diplomacy options.
- Fixed various out of sync errors in multiplayer mode.
- Fixed “aligned “Allow players to play the same country”.
- Fixed loc on reduce opinion.
- Fixed the option "Rich Presence" that was written in English in FR/DE/ES versions, being replaced in DE/ES versions in Main Menu.
- Fixed ”Go to” button that has capital letters in German language for the “The Treaty of Tordesillas”.
- Old GUI reubication fixes.
- Fixed unlocalized text in the in-game DLC overview in the German version.
- Fixed description crash in ledger.
- Fixed crash in Court and Country Events.
- Fixed loc string for reform name.
- 修复了未殖民省份会给予“未争夺的核心”的威望衰减的问题。
- Fixed Compile fix, the header is hidden outside the matchmaking module. Also use the matchmaking interface provided.
- Fixed declare war view sometimes disallowing selection of an ally when the tooltip says they'll accept.
- Added suggested french loc fixes.
- 修复了事件flavor_pue.5,现在其仅能被特定条件触发。
- Compile fix, missing forward declaration.
- Fix on IsAddressMatchingBackend. Sometimes joining on Steam lobby when game was running Nakama wasn't showing any error.
- Cppcheck fixes.
- Fixed “Ruler had no personalities”, so was crashing at GetHeadData().
- Fixed Event converting nation that conquered Mandate of Heaven will not Harmonize old country religion.
- Fixed crash after exiting to the menu RaiseException.
- Fixed province with wrong culture and added missing history files. The wastelands are now known to the NA natives.
- Fixed “goto to the event” which properly goes to the event's province.
- Fixed explain how it's calculated the quantity of a reward gived by a favor.
- Fixed wrong pathing in north american east coast territory.
- Fixed overlap of tab buttons on diplo options.
- FIxed tooltip on "Settle" button not having line breaks.
- Fixed Cannot change culture of a syncretic faith province, but cannot convert it either (to allow changing culture).
- Fixed Fort values are shown for provinces with no fort in the province panel.
- Fixed in the leave federation view there is an edit text box where you can remove the name of the federation.
- 修复了单机游戏中会显示“人类玩家”列表的问题。
- Fixed not able to change State into Territory due to converting province despite having finished Religious Ideas.
- 修复了“对宗教改革的抵抗能力”无法降低改革中心转化省份的几率、反而将其提高的错误。
- 修改了任务树奖励,在稳定度已满时改为奖励行政点数。
- Removed condition in expand administration.
- Added industralization institution where needed.
- Added visibility to the area around Muisca for Andean TAGs so that they can fight freely.
- Added a missing description for the bought_indulgence modifier.
- Fixed whenever player changes government through an event they get all reform progress back.
- 修复了使用自定义国家拥有开局时未殖民的省份时可以立即获得“那是我的”成就的问题。
- Fixed condottieri morale damage depends on maintenance slider of country giving condottieri.
- 修复了一个国家被联合统治不会离开其当前所在的包围网的问题。
- Fixed Propagate Religion CoRs can spawn in non-muslim province and not be able to convert it.
- 修复了包围网中的敌国并不联合参战时仍然显示其会联合参战的错误。
- Fixed declaring war with the Tribal Border Feud CB and attempting to select them as vassal shows "Cannot be selected when using the 'force migration' casus belli, which is not what's being used here.
- Fixed the "Move to" peace offer is visible even if there's nowhere to move, but the text just says move to which looks broken.
- Fixed current wars ledger page *the war score text widget overlaps loads of the shields
- Fixed a number of macro bugs preventing triggers and effects working.
- Fixed moving Main Trade City to a node where merchant is transferring trade power does not change the merchant's behavior.
- 修复了部队预计抵达日期与实际日期不相符的错误。
- 修复了参加针对宗教联盟领袖的任何战争都可获得“加入联盟战争”修正的错误。
- Fixed assert when changing a merchant from transferring to collecting on moving the primary trade node.
- Fixed colonies completed with a colonist don't convert to owner's religion.
- Fixed missing persistence for CWar.
- Fixed no monarch/leader/ship names for federations.
- 将侵略扩张惩罚的距离计算由步进的改为线性的。
- 修复了继承战争的目标国家可能错误地成为战争领袖,从而无法使该战争结束的问题。
- 修复了玩家的君主点数池上限大于 999 时,开启黄金时代会导致点数池上限降低的错误。
- Fixed the problem moving the hidden effects of the option to the immediate section so it fires even if the player does not do anything, avoiding any other automatic response that could break the feature.
- Fixed In regencies in the target country, Claim Throne checks the dynasty of the heir instead of the regent.
- Fixed a bug where universities could not be built if a province had lost slots already.
- Fixed minor bug penalising Heathens for being Heretics.
- Fixed concede colonial nation does not work properly if player has a colonial nation outside the target region causing massive overextension.
- 修复了玩家可能在未断绝盟约的条件下与自己的盟友交战的错误。
- Fixed Consolidate Development button in state panel should have a text saying what it does similar to the Centralize State one next to it.
- Fixed reduce opinion diplomatic action doesn't specify how much opinion they would lose.
- Fixed potential crash generating a regency with no estates.
- 添加了部分缺失的选项名称。
- Fixed a bunch of effect GetDesc stack overflows.
- Fixed armies ignore forts if the path has been set before the war declaration.
- 修复了延长摄政的工具栏的问题。
- Fixed the estimated time until next reform fluctuates on monthly tick in the tooltip for government reform progressbar.
- Fixed tributary Overlord gives conditional access to enemies but not its tributaries in war.
- Fixed Fort position changes on camera move.
- Fixed subjects with supportive focus may become passive.
- 修复了当玩家创建自定义国家并选择新大陆的文化为主流文化时,在省份建造页面中会显示“建造旗舰”按钮的错误。
- Fixed "Placate estate" parliament bribes always use generic estate names.
- Removed message about Independence War of a country player supported independence of shows rebellious vassal as ally of the overlord.
- Fixed garrison bonuses applied when enemy sieges Player's forts.
- Fixed duplicated keys.
- Fixed error log spamming in observer mode.
- 在多处添加了检验法兰西是否为附属国的条件语句。
- Fixed an error which causes blockade progress to be miscalculated when you have less than required ships to blockade.
- You can no longer raid coasts where you have a truce with the owner.
- 哥萨克DLC开启时,将允许谢契拉达政府改革的国家焚掠省份。
- Hegemon opinion is only applied to non-subjects.
- AI will now get back manpower when they disband units.
- Tooltip Modifier from "Siege Specialist" general trait was not displayed in Fort defense tooltip in siege view.
- Fix on Reconquista Tutorial for not having enough admin power to end it.
- User is kicked out from the subjects tab once the user no longer plays as the overlord.
- Overlord developing subject's provinces grants crown land to the overlord instead of the subject.
- Fixed CTD when user selects ruler random personality when creating custom nation.
- 修复了事件flavor_swi.7“加尔文成为日内瓦的宗教领袖”的脚本错误。
- 修复了突尼斯任务及其旧版任务中的脚本错误。
- 修复了西班牙任务及其旧版任务中的脚本错误。
- Added the Quelimane area as possible to fulfill the requirements as is part of the referred Trade Node and is historically related to the provinces affected by this mission.
- 修复了“革命皇帝”政府改革的脚本错误。将其改为仅当DLC皇帝开启时才可用。
- 修复了“诺伊马克的命运”及“科隆条约”事件的脚本错误,条顿骑士团在出售省份后将正确地失去其核心。
- 修复了事件aow_events.48“圣座的联系人”可能给予非天主教省份以枢机席位的错误。
- 修复了事件1081“教宗国”不会检查教宗国是否的确不存在的错误。该修复不会对意大利产生影响。
- 改进了事件hindu_events.1“印度教的道路”,使新的神祇“佛陀”成为其选项之一。
- Fixed script error in flavor_bur.16 where it is not checked that NED is not a subject so the rest of the dutch minors won't join and cause a massive spike in Liberty Desire.
- 修复了事件flavor_hab.3195“奥地利农民起义”中农民叛军可能在任何地方产生的问题。现在该事件会检测具有适当文化、位于特定区域的省份,并在符合条件的省份中产生叛军。
- 修复了事件flavor_swi.201“日内瓦请求和瑞士诸邦结成同盟”的脚本错误。该事件链的前一个事件“瑞士城邦和萨伏依”不再会在日内瓦有战争时发生,因此不再可能导致日内瓦在被设为卫戍国时自动退出所有战争。
- 降低了政府改革“天主的国”和“接纳公会议至上主义”给予的修正的数值,二者给予的任命枢机花费不会再叠加至100%。
- 事件“勃艮第女公爵去世”不再会在战争期间发生。
- Fixed icon and text positions for the two resolution configurations. Governing cost overlaps with the number of building slots in native buildings view.
- Hided standard view icons for native american window and vice versa.
- Fixed American Provinces not being in their proper Trade Node.
- 修复了“无宗教”的省份无法被转化为任何宗教的错误。
- Fixed when recruiting special regiments become regular infantry after saving and loading the save.
- Fixed war leader's subjects weren't called into defensive wars.
- Fixed inaccurate tooltip for score multiplier from Hegemony.
- Fixed huge nations in CK2 converted save games start with their capital in a territory.
- 殖民地区的省份无法再被加入神圣罗马帝国。
- 贸易政策“传播宗教”只能在满足以下条件时开启:宗教是穆斯林,或者宗教是印度教且完成了“麦加门廊”的任务。
- Fixed tooltip for religious conversion in province view of provinces with harmonized religion wasn’t checking whether you could convert the province or not.
- Fixed tutorial when you are playing the unit control basic, a window will no longer appear and suddenly disappear when clicking on a non-player army.
- Fixed misleading tooltip for when conquering land would increase land share.
- Fixed the tooltip of the "Excommunicate" diplomatic action indicating the chosen country has too much Papal Influence when this action is on cooldown.
- Fixed the Defender of Faith Tier tooltip for non-Christian and non-Muslim countries no longer reads as if they can adopt Dotf.
- Fixed tooltip for Naval Force Limit Modifier no longer displays a penalty for local Autonomy after assigning it to the Trade Company.
- Fixed the really annoying "adding cash to warscore doesn't let you add the full amount when nearing max warscore" bug.
- Fixed lowering Maintenance to keep the enemy in battle for longer by storing the morale for the country at the start of the particular battle so any changes don't affect the units involved until that particular battle is over.
- Fix for the cash benefit for creating states always being listed as 0.
- Fixed switching map modes with States tab opened followed by opening Trade Company Investments causes colours and names mismatch on map.
- Fixed bug where attached unit could be one day off.
- The option to create an Alliance again after allying a nation and reloading with an active Call to Arms from that nation was blocked. The last diplo action date and country was not persisted in the save, fixed that.
- Tooltip for effects changing government rank no longer displays current rank if the nation's rank is locked.
- Fixed clicking on a province with Gold when building a regular manufactory through macrobuilder builded Ramparts.
- Hunt for Seven Cities can switch off with no notification to the player even if there are provinces left to be explored. Fixed this.
- Fixed the game claiming that your movement is blocked by a hostile fort when trying to retreat from a battle before 12 days have passed.
- Fixed AI refusing to spend overflow monarch points on development in some cases.
- Fixed that when the player accepted Demands for Separatists from an event the nation didn't get released and the separatist army became part of the player’s one.
- Fixed ordering transport ships with army on board to travel through few ports will leave army only in last port.
- Fixed countries in America that are missing their primitive flag without Conquest of Paradise/El Dorado.
- Changed misleading tooltips.
- Fixed bug in the Trade tutorial that required Venice to build 5 ships with only 65 ducats. Changed it to 3 instead.
- Native province view fixes.
- Forcing harboured fleet to return to occupied province will prevent them from leaving said province.
- Fixed Imperial Authority tooltip containing outdated information on how Imperial Authority is gained and lost.
- Fixed how to know HRE Electors stance on a reform.
- Fixed Reloading game causes recruiting special regiments to change into regular infantry
- Fixed attempting to attach an army to other already attached army has no effect.
- Fixed Revolutionary OPMs can become Free Cities.
- Fixed Hegemon tooltip read Another Great Power inseat of All other Great Power.
- Fixed text may overflow when selling ships to a country with a long name.
- Separated both budgeting logs.
- Enhanced algorithm.
- Fixed game crashes randomly during mid-game playthrough.
- Fixed asset when history database is being applied before triggers are postvalidated.
- Added colour to tooltip text.
- Fixed Tooltip for detaching Marines doesn't tell the player why they can't use it.
- Reduced the amount of alert manager checking.
- Added tooltip for for Metropolitan map mode when you cannot assign Metropolitan to a state
- Fixed Colonial Nations to have the option to force other nations to become a Tributary under their Overlord.
- Fixed Appoint Cardinal cost does not appear in country modifiers list.
- Fixed tooltip saying that you are declaring war without CB to Burgundy when trying to force personal union, when actually there is a CB that allows it.
- Fixed when clicking on a province it will either show the province or state views based on what it's shown previously.
- Army Strength is displayed correctly in the War Declaration screen.
- Now Blockade Force Required is not listed in country modifiers.
- The list of cardinals in the Papacy doesn't overlap with itself.
- Interface always contains all implemented informations.
- Now all provinces can be culture converted.
- Dhimmi modifiers are only applied to non-Muslim provinces.
- Now Revolution can spread to provinces that it is already present in
- Sorting armies by Manpower now works correctly.
- Modifier is included in Military Tactics tooltip in battle overview.
- Fixed the large garrisons overflow interface in siege view.
- You can cycle through armies in one province if they're attached.
- Subjects' rebels use the correct scope for their tooltip when viewed by the overlord.
- All modifiers get displayed for all nations.
- Appointing Cardinal Papal action has a 4-year cooldown.
- The Player is informed that supporting rebels in rival countries grants bonus power projection.
- Fixed issues with the commands.
- White peace affects Hegemon status in the same way regardless if it is sent as "Demand Tribute" or "Offer Tribute".
- Button to change all settings to allow achievements now works properly.
- Narcissism achievement actually checks for battles won.
- Changing map mode while in Land units tab is permanently displayed.
- Annexed countries can't release subjects as part of a peace deal.
- Greenland and Papua New Guinea are now islands
- Fixed Ottoman Flavour Titles not Loading.
- Fixed several Out of Syncs.
- Fixed CTD in country subject view when trying to show relationship with subjects.
- Fixed Provinces from the nation's allies cannot be taken in a peace treaty if the nation is annexed through "Concede Colonial Region" peace treaty.
- Fixed Official Faith of the Holy Roman Empire not being the official faith once Proclaim Erbkaisertum is passed.
- Fixed a bug that made possible to have multiple diplomats building spy network in a single country, revoking a diplomat on annexation.
- Fixed that morale recovery modifier was not properly displayed for Mercenary Companies.
- The pop-up for assigning a province to Trade Company now lists all the modifiers.
- Fixed script issue for generating heathen advisors checking continent of a country rather than country capital.
- Fixed incorrect event key referenced for inviting enemies to the dutch revolts.
- Right-clicking on a province in development macro-builder no longer centers map on the province.
- Fixed AE when vassalising a nation is not reduced by releasing a third nation.
- Corrected the area and region missions only needing a single province while restricting it to colonized provinces (so one doesn't get stuck because can't colonize).
- Corrected the New World Missions so that it needs all the provinces in a single area/region without taking in consideration non colonized provinces.
- Fixed tooltip that shows that Expand Empire peace treaty can add provinces to the HRE without adding their owner.
- Fixed Expand Empire treaty ignoring provinces nonadjacent to the HRE for calculating IA, AE and prestige gain.
- Fixed a revolutionary event options.
- Fixed incorrect AE shown in peace deal. Now peace deal UI shows the maximum of AE you will gain.
- Fixed Italian Defence mission to allow for better forts as well.
- Changed corrupted key in the Irish loc for Edinburg (248).
- 修改了婆罗门阶层特权“[Root.GetStateForm]之上的权力”的所需条件。
- Cossack revolt nation will not get new ideas upon tag change.
- 修复了殖民领革命后的国名错误。
- Fixed several multiplayer crashes.
- Now Workshop in Production Interface is sorted by Improvement Value by default.
- Now in Court tab tooltip for heir display heir's stats or traits.
- Fixed popup spam when playing as daimyo.
- Now tooltip for mercenary maintenance on recruitment interface list all modifiers.
- Fixing consistency in Army Professionalism abilities tooltip.
- Now giving away ally's provinces in a peace deal reduces the ally's trust.
- Fixed Country modifiers screen listing Yearly Revolutionary Zeal regardless of Age or Revolutionary status.
- Fixed Using Autonomous Rebels Suppression resulting in Army mission Cancelled popup
- Fixed rebel progress being 0% if no forts have been taken.
- Fixed Cannot change Allied Objective if you use it for your Subject and the two of you are alone in the war.
- Fixed the number of attached troops being doubled on a map view.
- Fixed Clicking "Previous/Next" in Ledger closes it and moves camera to random location after few times on lower GUI scales.
- Fixed Armies in Autonomous Rebel Suppression ignoring rebels from other countries
- 脚本中定义的顾问也可以是女性了。
- Fixed Player whose hotjoin request had been rejected couldn't return to main menu.
- 修复了AI从不认同文化的问题。
- Fixed supporting HRE reforms only selects those that are directly required for that reform.
- Stopped appointing a loyalist cardinal creating a truce with yourself.
- Lifted FoW for condottieri.
- 现在可以对朝贡国使用列强外交行动了。
- Return of Rathore event now generates a war which you can see.
- Native countries can no longer charter trade companies.
- Fixed separatism timeout date calculation.
- 现在撤销“永久禁止复仇”帝国改革将重新允许诸侯之间宣战。
- Inability to select reforms due to cost now is correctly reported.
- 现在吞并仅有一个省份的国家也将能正常地获得“征服者王后”成就。
- Now Spread the Revolution power projection is displayed correctly in peace offer text.
- Fixed crash in court view when using mods that don't have certain widgets.