注意阅读/Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/00_governments.txt文件。在1.26 版本以后所有具体的政体都作为改革选项从属于政体类型,所以government = <type>
不能再检查具体的政体了,需要使用has_reform = <reform>
所有政体都划分为某种政府类型,它们定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 中。
每一个政府类型都可以随意命名,比如你可以用 my_gov_type = { }
取代 monarchy = { }
此政体在代码中可以使用触发器 government =
<name> = { basic_reform = <reform> color = { <red> <green> <blue> } reform_levels = { <name> = { reforms = { <reform> } } } legacy_government = { <reform> } exclusive_reforms = { <reform> } }
basic_reform 用于定义政体相关的基础改革,它们被指定于 /Europa Universalis IV/common/government_reforms/;
color 用于定义政体地图中不同政体类型的颜色,使用RGB值填写(0-255);
reform_levels 用于定义政府改革层次及其具体改革内容。命名不限,可选内容,即 可以没有改革项;
legacy_government 用于定义初始政体修正。仅用于无达摩DLC的游戏;(具体参考1.26之前的政体机制)(1.30及以后版本已经将政府改革移动入本体不再需要达摩dlc即可使用改革,此项可不用再写)
exclusive_reforms 用于设定政体相关的特殊政府改革。列出当中相互排斥的改革项,此设定可以有多个。
pre_dharma_mapping = { <old government> = { government = <government type> legacy_government = <government reform> } }
- 方法一:
![]() |
只适用于DLC达摩激活时。 |
- 方法二:
无 达摩DLC 的玩家只能使用遗留政府机制(legacy_government,即1.26版以前的政府机制)(1.30后遗留政府机制已经移除)。
遗留政府改革项的语句: legacy_government = yes
基础政府改革项的语句: basic_reform = yes
拥有达摩DLC的玩家,可以通过使用语句: legacy_equivalent = <reform>
注意, defaults_reform 是必须的改革项,且必须先于所有改革项。也必须应用于其他改革之前。
<name> = { potential = { <triggers> } <attribute> = <value> modifiers = { <modifiers> } custom_attributes = { <attribute> = <bool> } conditional = { allow = { <triggers> } <attribute> = <value> } }
部分条件可以直接填写于第一层括号中,或者填写在 conditional区域中。一般用于对DLC的限定。
potential 是用于限制国家可见此项改革项的条件。
modifiers 是启用此项改革项的国家将获得的国家修正。
custom_attributes 是用于自定义的文字,可以在其他代码中检测该文字并更好的显示本地化文字。
代码 | 使用方法 | 效果 | 备注 |
basic_reform | basic_reform = yes
基础改革 | 作用于政府类型,不能用于通用改革项。 |
legacy_government | legacy_government = yes
无 达摩DLC 政府奖励 | 用于定义政体相关的政府改革奖励。仅用于无达摩DLC的游戏 |
legacy_equivalent | legacy_equivalent = <reform>
无 达摩DLC 政府奖励机制 | 仅用于无 达摩DLC 的游戏 |
monarchy | monarchy = yes
设定为君主制政体,启用正统度机制以及其他相关的君主制的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
republic | republic = yes
设定为共和制政体,启用共和传统机制以及其他相关共和制的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
religion | religion = yes
设定为神权制政体,启用奉献度机制以及其他相关神权制的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
monastic | monastic = yes
设定为骑士团政体,启用正统度(注:原文为“Legitimacy”,旧版为奉献度机制,需查证)机制以及其他相关骑士团政体的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
dictatorship | dictatorship = yes
设定为独裁政体,启用正统度机制以及其他相关独裁政体的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
tribal | tribal = yes
设定为部落制政体,启用正统度机制以及其他相关部落制政体的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
nomad | nomad = yes
设定为游牧制政体,启用游牧团结机制以及其他相关部落制政体的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
papacy | papacy = yes
设定为教皇制政体,启用正统度(注:原文为“Legitimacy”,旧版为奉献度机制,需查证)机制以及其他相关教皇制政体的机制 | 应该只用于基础或遗产改革项。 这与定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/governments/ 的政府类型无关。 |
has_meritocracy | has_meritocracy = yes
是否使用精英度机制 | |
has_devotion | has_devotion = yes
是否使用奉献度机制 | |
raze_province | raze_province = yes
决定该政体是否可以夷平省份 | |
has_term_election | has_term_election = yes
决定这个政体是否拥有周期选举 | 与duration 必须同时使用
is_elective | is_elective = yes
是否使用选举君主制机制 | |
free_city | free_city = yes
是否使用帝国自由市机制 | |
is_trading_city | is_trading_city = yes
是否使用贸易城邦机制 | |
icon | icon = "shogunate"
指定政府改革项的图标 | 图标需要在 GFX 文件中定义才能使用 |
valid_for_new_country | valid_for_new_country = yes
是否允许新诞生的国家继承此项改革。 “新诞生”的举例:释放一个国家 | |
allow_convert | allow_convert = yes
是否允许强制转换获得此项改革。 “强制转换”的举例:和平条约-强制改革政府类型 | |
lock_level_when_selected | lock_level_when_selected = yes
是否锁定为特殊改革。特殊改革锁定之后,无法手动切换为别的同级改革 | |
allow_normal_conversion | allow_normal_conversion = yes
是否允许正常政府改革获得此项改革。“正常改革”举例:显示于当前改革界面 | |
fixed_rank | fixed_rank = <rank>
锁定政府等级 | |
queen | queen = yes
是否显示配偶 | |
heir | heir = yes
是否显示继承人 | |
royal_marriage | royal_marriage = yes
是否允许王室联姻 | |
nation_designer_trigger | nation_designer_trigger = { <triggers> }
自定义国家使用该政体的前提条件 | |
valid_for_nation_designer | valid_for_nation_designer = yes
自定义国家是否可以使用该政体 | |
nation_designer_cost | nation_designer_cost = <value>
自定义国家使用此政体的花费 | |
republican_name | republican_name = yes
共和政体下显示统治者的名称(无王朝姓氏). | |
duration | duration = <value>
共和政体的选举周期:/年 | 非共和政体则无效,与has_term_election 必须同时使用
maintain_dynasty | maintain_dynasty = yes
锁定王朝,君主制政体下不会自然产生其他王朝(姓氏)的君主 | 举例:![]() |
militarised_society | militarised_society = yes
是否使用社会军事化机制 | 举例:![]() |
has_parliament | has_parliament = yes
是否使用议会机制 | |
has_harem | has_harem = yes
是否使用后宫机制 | 举例:![]() |
has_pashas | has_pashas = yes
是否使用帕沙机制 | 未标识政体即默认不启用帕沙机制
请注意:绑定效果,该指令也是启用奥斯曼新军的指令! |
foreign_slave_rulers | foreign_slave_rulers = yes
是否使用马穆鲁克异文化君主机制 | 异文化君主将获得奖励 |
allow_vassal_war | allow_vassal_war = yes
是否允许附庸之间宣战 | 专属于幕府将军政体的特殊机制 |
allow_vassal_alliance | allow_vassal_alliance = yes
是否允许附庸之间结盟 | 专属于幕府将军政体的特殊机制 |
allow_force_tributary | allow_force_tributary = yes
是否使用强迫朝贡机制 | |
claim_states | claim_states = yes
是否使用整州宣称机制 | |
different_religion_acceptance | different_religion_acceptance = <value>
是否使用异端关系修正机制 | |
different_religion_group_acceptance | different_religion_group_acceptance = <value>
是否使用异教关系修正机制 | |
boost_income | boost_income = yes
是否启用商业共和国奖励机制 | 请注意:绑定效果,直辖省份超过20个将导致共和传统下降 |
can_use_trade_post | can_use_trade_post = yes
是否启用贸易站机制 | |
can_form_trade_league | can_form_trade_league = yes
是否使用贸易联盟机制 | |
trade_city_reform | trade_city_reform = <reform>
是否使用贸易城邦沿用盟主国家的政府改革 机制 | |
native_mechanic | native_mechanic = yes
是否启用土著联盟和土著改革机制 | |
allow_migration | allow_migration = yes
是否启用土著迁徙机制 | |
rulers_can_be_generals | rulers_can_be_generals = yes
统治者是否可以作为陆军将军 | |
heirs_can_be_generals | heirs_can_be_generals = yes
继承人是否可以作为陆军将军 | |
min_autonomy | min_autonomy = <value>
最小自治度的数值 | 当前国家全部省份的最低自治度 |
start_territory_to_estates | start_territory_to_estates = <value>
初始阶层占有省份比例 | |
factions | factions = { <faction> }
启用派系机制 | |
assimilation_cultures | assimilation_cultures = { <culture group> = { <modifiers> } } |
启用异文化组同化机制,征服全部指定文化组的省份将获得奖励修正 | 举例:![]() |
states_general_mechanic | states_general_mechanic = { <group> = { <modifiers> } <group> = { <modifiers> } } |
启用政府派系机制 | 当中的<group>所使用的机制可以随意定义
举例: |
government_abilities | government_abilities = { <mechanic> }
添加指定的政府能力到政体中 | 目前可用的政府能力: |
想要配置的设置历史中的政府改革,你需要确保国家历史文件中有相关政府改革的代码。以法国为例,文件 FRA - France.txt
government = monarchy add_government_reform = feudalism_reform
government = monarchy
add_government_reform = feudalism_reform
表示游戏中法兰西会启用 feudalism_reform 改革项。该项改革包括了封建君主制的修正内容。
启用达摩DLC的玩家,该项改革就是使用 feudal_monarchy 顶替了封建君主制的政体。
政府等级带来的修正与之前有所区别,各个政体之间是通用的,详见 /Europa Universalis IV/common/government_ranks/ 。
4 = { diplomats = 1 }
此操作需要注意一个地方,新增政府等级必须在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines 文件中找到 MAX_GOVERNMENT_RANK ,并将其改到相应的级别。
<string>: "" <string>_desc: ""
政体代码可以参见/Europa Universalis IV/common/government_names/中。该文件中包含统治者、统治者配偶和继承人的本地化名称,也包含不同政府等级下的政体本地化名称。
<string> = { rank = { <rank> = <string> } ruler_male = { <rank> = <string> } ruler_female = { <rank> = <string> } consort_male = { <rank> = <string> } consort_female = { <rank> = <string> } heir_male = { <rank> = <string> } heir_female = { <rank> = <string> } trigger = { <triggers> } }
defaults_reform = { } # legacy governments despotic_monarchy = { icon = "crown" } feudal_monarchy = { icon = "castle" } #################################### # #Monarchies # #################################### administrative_monarchy = { icon = "paper_with_seal" } constitutional_monarchy = { icon = "constitution" } enlightened_despotism = { icon = "paper_with_seal_3" } revolutionary_empire = { icon = "rioting_burning" } #################################### # #Republics # #################################### merchant_republic = { icon = "politician" } venetian_merchant_republic = { icon = "politician" } oligarchic_republic = { icon = "nobleman" } pirate_republic = { icon = "trading_city" # should have a unique icon } pirate_kingdom = { icon = "trading_city" # should have a unique icon } war_against_the_world_government = { icon = "trading_city" # should have a unique icon } black_market_consortium_government = { icon = "trading_city" # should have a unique icon } noble_republic = { icon = "paper_money_map" } administrative_republic = { icon = "paper_with_seal" } republican_dictatorship = { icon = "paper_with_seal_3" } constitutional_republic = { icon = "constitution" } revolutionary_republic = { icon = "rioting_burning" fixed_rank = 3 } bureaucratic_despotism = { icon = "parliament" } #################################### # #Religious Governments # #################################### theocratic_government = { icon = "religious_leader" } monastic_order_government = { icon = "reform_soldiers" fixed_rank = 1 } papal_government = { icon = "pope" fixed_rank = 2 } steppe_horde_legacy = { icon = "tribal_council" } great_mongol_state_legacy = { icon = "tribal_council" } tribal_despotism_legacy = { icon = "king_2" } tribal_kingdom_legacy = { icon = "shaman" } tribal_federation_legacy = { icon = "soldiers_2" } tribal_democracy_legacy = { icon = "assembly_hall" } native_council_legacy = { icon = "shaman" fixed_rank = 1 } siberian_native_council = { icon = "shaman" fixed_rank = 1 } ########################################## # #Unique Governments for special countries # ########################################## #Special for England english_monarchy_legacy = { icon = "british_queen" } #Special for Mamluks mamluk_government_legacy = { icon = "muslim" } #Special for Persia, Ardabil, Oman and Rassids feudal_theocracy_legacy = { #Imamates, Sheikdoms icon = "muslim" } #Special for Poland elective_monarchy_legacy = { icon = "crown" } #Special for HRE free cities imperial_city = { icon = "judge" fixed_rank = 1 } # Special City States trading_city_legacy = { icon = "judge" fixed_rank = 1 } #Special for Milan ambrosian_republic_legacy = { icon = "judge" } # Special for the Dutch dutch_republic_legacy = { icon = "dutch_flag" } # China celestial_empire_legacy = { icon = "crown" fixed_rank = 3 } # Ottoman Empire ottoman_government_legacy = { icon = "crown" } prussian_monarchy_legacy = { icon = "crown" } iqta_legacy = { icon = "muslim" } daimyo_legacy = { icon = "crown" fixed_rank = 1 } indian_sultanate_legacy = { icon = "crown" } shogunate_legacy = { icon = "crown" fixed_rank = 2 } indep_daimyo_legacy = { icon = "crown" } colonial_government_legacy = { icon = "peasants" fixed_rank = 1 } american_republic_legacy = { icon = "constitution" } federal_republic_legacy = { icon = "parliament" } peasants_republic_legacy = { icon = "fist_in_air" } veche_republic_legacy = { icon = "merchant" fixed_rank = 1 } principality_legacy = { icon = "crown" fixed_rank = 1 } tsardom_legacy = { icon = "king" fixed_rank = 3 } cossacks_legacy_reform = { icon = "chieftain" }
monarchy_mechanic = { } #Feudalism vs Autocracy: feudalism_reform = { icon = "castle" } autocracy_reform = { icon = "crown" } plutocratic_reform = { icon = "asian_scripture" } grand_duchy_reform = { icon = "peasants" } indian_sultanate_reform = { icon = "indian_sultanate" } shogunate = { icon = "shogunate" } daimyo = { icon = "daimyo" } indep_daimyo = { icon = "samurai" } celestial_empire = { icon = "celestial_empire" } elective_monarchy = { icon = "elective_monarchy" } iqta = { icon = "muslim" } english_monarchy = { icon = "british_queen" } ottoman_government = { icon = "ottoman_government" } prussian_monarchy = { icon = "prussian_monarchy" } principality = { icon = "russian_principality" } tsardom = { icon = "king" } mamluk_government = { icon = "mamluk_government" } feudal_theocracy = { icon = "feudal_theocracy" } mughal_government = { icon = "peacock_throne" } revolutionary_empire_reform = { icon = "rioting_burning_2" } mandala_reform = { icon = "mandala_system" } nayankara_reform = { icon = "nayankara_system" } misl_confederacy_reform = { icon = "misl_confederacy" } rajput_kingdom = { icon = "rajput_kingdom" } gond_kingdom = { icon = "chieftain" } #Hereditary vs Nobility enforce_privileges_reform = { icon = "people_walking" } quash_noble_power_reform = { icon = "king_2" } enforce_trader_privileges_reform = { icon = "paper_money_map" } bengali_reform = { icon = "merchant_ship" } sufi_syncretism_reform = { icon = "muslim" } poligar_reform = { icon = "indian_crown" } khalsa_reform = { icon = "strength_of_the_khalsa" } deccani_society_reform = { icon = "noble_indian" } #Bureaucracy: centralize_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal_3" } decentralize_reform = { icon = "map" } sidhi_recruitment = { icon = "siddhi_recruitment" } mansabdari_reform = { icon = "noble_muslim" } #Growth of Administration clergy_in_administration_reform = { icon = "religious_leader" } of_noble_bearing_reform = { icon = "nobleman" } meritocratic_focus_reform = { icon = "merchant" } dakhni_culture_reform = { icon = "indian_crown" } zabt_reform = { icon = "general_eastern_administrative" } #deliberative_assembly # parliamentary_reform defined in common file royal_decree_reform = { icon = "king" } aristocratic_court_reform = { icon = "soldiers_2" } states_general_reform = { icon = "states_general" } general_estates_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal" } #absolute_rule_vs_constitutional letat_cest_moi_reform = { icon = "queen" } regional_representation_reform = { icon = "assembly_hall" } #separation_of_power political_absolutism_reform = { icon = "judge" } legislative_houses_reform = { icon = "parliament_hall" } become_a_republic_reform = { icon = "parliament_highlighted" } install_theocratic_government_reform = { icon = "pope_highlighted" }
republic_mechanic = { } #Oligarchy vs Merchant Class vs Noble Elite oligarchy_reform = { icon = "people_walking" } merchants_reform = { icon = "politician" } venice_merchants_reform = { icon = "trading_city" } pirate_republic_reform = { icon = "pirate_republic" } noble_elite_reform = { icon = "nobleman" } presidential_despot_reform = { icon = "parliament_hall" } revolutionary_republic_reform = { icon = "revolutionary_republic" } peasants_republic = { icon = "peasant_republic" } free_city = { icon = "free_city" } trading_city = { icon = "trading_city" } ambrosian_republic = { icon = "ambrosian_republic" } veche_republic = { icon = "merchant" } american_republic = { icon = "parliament" } federal_republic = { icon = "constitution" } colonial_government = { icon = "peasants" } dutch_republic = { icon = "dutch_republic" } cossacks_reform = { icon = "horde_riding" } #Republican Virtues republican_authoritarianism_reform = { icon = "merchant" } nepotism_reform = { icon = "man_and_children" } republicanism_reform = { icon = "assembly_hall" } council_of_captains_reform = { icon = "council_of_captains" } articles_of_agreement_reform = { icon = "articles_of_agreement" } smugglers_haven_reform = { icon = "smugglers_haven" } #Frequency of Elections / Consolidation of Power frequent_elections_reform = { icon = "ballot_box" } consolidation_of_power_reform = { icon = "constitution" } lottery_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal_3" } #Federalism vs Unitarianism vs Confederacy provincial_governments_reform = { icon = "landscape" } administrative_divisions_reform = { icon = "map" } union_of_states_reform = { icon = "merchant_ship" } #Parliamentary vs Presidential # parliamentary_reform defined in common file presidential_reform = { icon = "man_on_podium" } #Consolidation of Power broaden_executive_powers_reform = { icon = "castle" } devolution_of_powers_reform = { icon = "generic_people" } pirate_king_reform = { icon = "pirate_king" } war_against_the_world_doctrine_reform = { icon = "war_against_the_world" } black_market_consortium_reform = { icon = "black_market_consortium" } #Administration political_principle_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal_3" } moral_principle_reform = { icon = "parliament_hall" } #Electorate landholders_reform = { icon = "dutch_flag" } citizenry_reform = { icon = "people_walking" } #Office Selection Method appointment_by_committee_reform = { icon = "politician" } bureaucratic_aparatus_reform = { icon = "map_2" } universal_suffrage_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal" } #Question of Dictatorship pirates_become_republic_reform = { icon = "parliament_highlighted" } seize_executive_power_reform = { icon = "king_2_highlighted" } proclaim_divine_guidance_reform = { icon = "religious_leader_highlighted" } strengthen_executive_powers_reform = { icon = "soldiers_2" } reinforce_republican_values_reform = { icon = "parliament_hall" }
theocracy_mechanic = { } #Leadership leading_clergy_reform = { icon = "religious_leader" } monastic_order_reform = { icon = "monks" } papacy_reform = { icon = "papacy" } #Internal vs External Mission internal_mission_reform = { icon = "clergyman" } external_mission_reform = { icon = "soldiers" } #Divine Cause safeguard_holy_sites_reform = { icon = "church" } combat_heresy_reform = { icon = "soldiers_2" } expel_heathens_reform = { icon = "landscape" } #Clergy in Administration subservient_administrators_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal" } religious_administrators_reform = { icon = "paper_with_seal_3" } #Secularization maintain_religious_head_reform = { icon = "nobleman" } hereditary_religious_leadership_reform = { icon = "muslim_highlighted" } crown_leader_reform = { icon = "crown_highlighted" } proclaim_republic_reform = { icon = "parliament_highlighted" } battle_pope_reform = { icon = "soldiers_6" }
tribe_mechanic = { } steppe_horde = { icon = "horde_riding" } great_mongol_state_reform = { icon = "horde_riding" } tribal_federation = { icon = "chieftain" } tribal_despotism = { icon = "tribal_council" } tribal_kingdom = { icon = "indian_crown" } siberian_tribe = { icon = "shaman" } #tribal_cultural_values martial_society_reform = { icon = "tribal_martial_society" } civil_society_reform = { icon = "tribal_civil_society" } #Religion vs Secularization religious_societies_reform = { icon = "tribal_religious_society" } lip_service_reform = { icon = "tribal_lip_service" } #Modernizantion retain_tribal_hierarchy_reform = { icon = "retain_tribal_hierarchy" } centralize_tribal_power_reform = { icon = "tribal_centralize_power" } tribe_becomes_monarchy_reform = { icon = "king_highlighted" } tribe_becomes_republic_reform = { icon = "parliament_highlighted" } tribe_becomes_theocracy_reform = { icon = "pope_highlighted" } tribe_becomes_horde_reform = { icon = "horde_riding_highlighted" }
native_basic_reform = { }
parliamentary_reform = { } # Upgraded Indian estate reforms permanent_marathas_council_reform = { } governmental_purbias_register_reform = { } # for Spain council_of_the_indies_reform = { }
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