环球风云 | |
LOGO | |
别名/游戏中名称 | Common Universalis |
类型 | 游戏内容大改 |
作者 | CSalieri.ai |
版本 | 5.0+ 对应1.30.4 版本 |
论坛/贴吧 | 946976070/470049289(QQ群号) |
STEAM创意工坊 | 2227743919 |
CU 5.0
欢迎来到Common Universalis 5.0 Risorgiment,EUIV v.1.30.4的轻量级但大修模组。 旧的CU是由伟大的modder Maxium在5年前制作的。现在CU又回来了,并且由新的CU mod团队重建。
Key Features
- 政府能力
- Dynamic Expansion
More than 4 different ways of expansion includes Province Auto-core(PAC).Wait or spend Military Power to reduce a province's nationalism,and you can gain a free core in the province;Slaughter natives to expand rapidly in the New World;Declare the Mandate of Heaven and form your own dynasty to gain the rulership of the whole China;Normal coring is more expensive but still applicable;Diplomatic expansion now requires careful planning.
- State Features
What are the differences between a large empire and a tiny state? Political things? Economic structure? Province development? Stability? Foreign affairs? Military? All included with full details in this mod.
- Logic Behind History
Why did the Europeans rush to the new world? How did countries choose from mercantilism and free trade? Where comes the inflation? Why should a country improve its capital? How could the Ottoman empire conquer the whole Mamluks in just a few years? How did the Ming dynasty decline ,and why did all reforms conducted by even the most capable emperors fail in the end? Why did tobacco planting in North America lead to the war against the natives? What are the strength and weaknesses of the steppe nomads?Why did the Spanish empire,once seemingly invicible,fade in the competition with other colonial powers? History has its own logic, so does the game.
- Maximum Selectivity
All contents and changes in this mod are thoroughly tested by players of different levels,and adjusted over and over until they are proven to be balanced enough.We try our best to make sure that there are no wasted ideas,buildings,government types,units or other meaningless factors in this mod,and ensure maximum selectivity for all playstyles from peaceful development to world conquest.
- 城市化
省发展重新划分为三种类型:商业、生产和农业。这三种是不能通过投入君主点数来手动提升的,它们都有各自的成长进度(在 "省份人口普查 "中显示)。当一个省的农业进度达到100时,将获得1农业。当商业/生产进度达到100时,1农业将转换为1商业/生产。城市化率受很多因素影响——文化程度、建筑、农业、省令、思想、商品等。
- 识字
识字率反映了一个省的 "文明程度",可以看作是第四种 "发展"。扫盲几乎可以发挥其应有的作用——加快城市化速度,提高治理能力,促进机构普及,并使各省动员起来。